Glass broke during spell

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Glass broke during spell
Post # 1
I tried to do spell involving glass chalice, water, sugar and cinnamon to have sp contact me. During casting the spell, one piece of glass from side just broke off making a hole in chalice. Any idea what that could mean? Was spell successful, need to recast, bad omen?
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Re: Glass broke during spell
Post # 2
Always look for a physical cause first. Anything that put stress on the glass could have caused it to break.
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Re: Glass broke during spell
Post # 3
As mentioned above, rule out mundane issues first like pressure, temperature, etc. Once you've done that, you can begin to consider magical issues with the glass. Personally, if that occurred to me during a spell I would interpret it as not the right time, place, or circumstances for casting. I wouldn't personally deem it a bad omen per se.
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Re: Glass broke during spell
Post # 4
Thank you
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Re: Glass broke during spell
By: / Novice
Post # 5
I'd need more detail to figure out what exactly happened, but as mentioned above, rule out the mundane first. I've had candle flames go crazy, so I've checked for any airflow issues [I usually have my windows open all year round] Glasses, it could be old glass, poor quality, frequent use, too close to a heat source, had a chip you didn't notice when you got it, so on.

For magick reasons, again, I would need a bit more detail on the spell, but unless you were working baneful magick, I'd argue you put a lot of energy into the spell and it went boom. A spirit could have interfered with it, but unless you were calling on negative forces, I'd say the spirit was adding to the spell. If you feel nervous, I would cleanse and redo the spell. Otherwise, unless other omens become present, don't worry about it.

Third option [just popped into my head as I was about to hit send] look at the symbolism of the spell. There's a hole in the chalice and therefore it cannot hold water. Your spell might be unnecessary or incomplete in some way and therefore you need to look at the situation another way to determine if another spell/action is required. [not saying the spell "failed" but if you cast a love spell without breaking up with your current partner, might want to rethink the spell. Just an example]
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Re: Glass broke during spell
Post # 6
Thank you for reply. I wasn't trying to invoke 'dark spirit' but only influence/sweeten the attitude of SP towards me to contact me. Glass broke in very specific way, chipped off on side making almost like a half moon or 'd' letter and some liquid got out. Took a photo of it:

it might have been coincidence or spoon during stirring but just wondering if there's something I am missing since I am layman in this field. Thanks again
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Re: Glass broke during spell
By: / Novice
Post # 7
Mundane interpretation: the glass was structurally weak and tapping with the spoon resulted in the break

Magickal interpretation: Someone with a D name will be important in the spell [the person you were casting on could have "D" in their name "Devon" "Dickenson" or "Maddison" point is, D is somewhere in the name or job title] the spell might also take effect during the waxing moon or should be recast on the half waxing moon [you're trying to draw something to you, so that would be the best time to cast this spell] I also notice tiny cracks like feathers point towards and running beside the D. Feathers can be associated with divine messages, so this could be a divine being helping you in the spell and the energy was cranked too high, or a sign this person is divinely protected [hense the "D" and the feather] so trying to cast over them backfired in your direction. This doesn't mean anything bad, but you trying to influence someone with magick while they're protected had your spell sent right back without the person noticing.

Overall, I'd say it was just the glass breaking because it was tapped too many times at a weak point. Magickally, I'd argue a divine being is protecting the person. While you're not in danger, I'd cleanse yourself and make sure you've got your protections in place because that energy needs to go somewhere and it might just linger in your home with nowhere else to go and that could cause some negative effects.
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Re: Glass broke during spell
Post # 8
Just before you wrote that, I also though of waxing moon at the end of the month. Thank you
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Re: Glass broke during spell
By: / Novice
Post # 9
Happy to help. Good luck ^_^
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