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Post # 1

Ive defiantly cruised this site before, but I don't think I ever made an account or introduced myself. Ive had a few bad run ins with communities online in past years but recently things have seemed to be doing much better. Separated the wheat or something like that.

So I started revisiting some old sites i had saved, pulled up SoM and figured why not give it a shot. Im surprised to see the format of the site almost completely unchanged. Its very refreshing to see a familiar layout.

Anyway; Ive been practicing for ten years or so, taught by my grandmother. Although only in the last maybe 5 years it has truly become my own craft. I specialize in protection magic and am constantly fascinated with even the basics of energy manipulation. Im active duty military, two and a half years in the US Navy. Makes it a little hard to practice some things but i get on just fine. I love teaching and sharing when i have time, often suggesting books or resources if possible.

Astral travel eludes me, and thus is currently what I've been attempting to practice for the last couple months. If yall have any unusual tips, let me know!

Oh and one last thing: My mailbox is always open.

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