Horseshoe Charm

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Horseshoe Charm
Post # 1
I have often wondered where I might be able to obtain an iron horseshoe to hang above my door. Now that I am close to getting my own home, I believe it is time. Has anyone ever had luck in doing this? How did you go about it? I live in a rural area and do indeed have a few ranches with horses on my road, but I feel awkward and I certainly don't think iron is a popular material for them anymore.
Blessed Be )O(
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Re: Horseshoe Charm
Post # 2

There are many I have found in cast iron for wall decor from a browse online.

If you are looking for an actual horseshoe nearby farms are probably the best place to try. Just be careful, as always, and offering to pay is a great bet.

Whether the horseshoes from the farms are iron or not I don't know.

But they'll have actual horseshoes. Online it is wall decor and as I said cast iron.

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Re: Horseshoe Charm
Post # 3
I know Tractor Supply sells them. I've meandered through the horse stuff on occasion when on a pet food run.
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Re: Horseshoe Charm
By: / Novice
Post # 4
If you live in a rural area, you can ask the ranchers where they purchase their horseshoes and either contact the seller or ask if you could have a shoe when it's replaced. As for the material, they're normally steel now, so you might want to look into antique stores. My family home has several horseshoes hung around the house [some above the doors, some are on large wooden beams] but those were acquired from the old barn. My family's owned that land since 1861, so the horseshoes were put up by my superstitious Irish ancestors to bring good fortune and to protect the home. If you can find abandoned barns from 100 years ago [and you're safe about it] you could try scavenging the area [if the land is abandoned, you should leave an offering to the spirits, and if the land is owned by someone, ask the owner if they're fine with you looking through the old barn, you might even find old glass milk jugs or something similar]

Not to dissuade you from iron, but I think it's been a few centuries since they were made from iron, so unless you're hoping to keep faeries out, the material wouldn't affect the luck the horseshoe would bring [just make sure you hang it with the U facing up when it's hung upside down, it's believed the luck drips out] You might have better luck finding iron nails and using them to hand the horseshoe.
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