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Post # 1
I recently became interested in the universal consciousness and magic. So I did my best to read and study. I started to believe. I do believe. About five weeks ago I felt a connection. I started asking this energy about when certain things would happen. Nothing big, just small stuff like how many attemps would it take in a video game to gain a specific item. I received the exact number, the exact information 5 times. These weren't random guesses, I knew. I deeply knew. One evening during that time I was looking out a window in my house. It was around midnight, and I suddenly thought, I think a racoon is going to walk by. About one minute later, a racoon walked by.
A few days later I went to a Tears for Fears concert in Chicago and then the next day went on a week long vacation. Since I've been back I'm having difficulty connecting or feeling that cnnection. Is there a pattern here? Do people that get that first connection often find it difficult to reconnect again later?
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Re: Connections
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 2

Daily Practice is important, the need for reconnecting happens continually as we live our lives. We may fall out of practice and need to startagain throughout theyears as we learn and grow as to what works or serves us and what does not. I suggest continuing to study and practice. Be sure to expand your horizons continually and understand that not everything is for us in the moment but there aremoments that may contain that which we strive for. Meditation and working on opening and aligning the chakras will help your third eye and the psychic development you seek. You can also use certain stones/crystals and herbs to help aid your psychicability development.

Many Blessings,


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