Christian Wiccans

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Christian Wiccans
Post # 1

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Christian Wiccans are those who still practice Christianity and identify as witches and/or Wiccans.

Most of us here have melded our magickal practices together, into cohesive life style that enriches our lives and the lives of others.

This coven respects each individuals personal choice. This Coven is a home and we are family!

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Re: Christian Wiccans
Post # 2
This is specifically Wicca, but I’ve heard Christo-Witch, you may also want to branch out to Brujeria where this is kind of a Popular thing, Syncretic Religion like Santa Rita are an example. They are Catholic kind of in some ways, there is something about Saints, but they Worship Orisha, which are Invisible Entities that take Fruit Offerings, Candle Offerings, and for example Fidel Castro used to feed his Tigers. He would Sacrifice Tigers to it.

So there are some People you could start to reach out to, or things you could start to learn and things.
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