clue to magick?

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clue to magick?
Post # 1
Science on magick?What is there in magick that makes it real?Of course,its energy but what sort of energy is it?That is a mystery to solve.(WHICH TAKES Years of studying it).

Here,i believe that this is what makes everything including magick become reality.I have a lot of studies on light particles.

Theory-reality = light particles?
I believe that light particles actually bends reality.Why?
For instance,our mind,a part of every soul.It creates light energy inside(which not many will know or understand).The mind generates a lot of stuff.Even the most common things we do are the work of light particles.

Let`s say a guy named John wants to run faster than Josh.The mind instantly tells him to run faster.John ran faster than Josh in the end.Why?Its simple...every body movements is also another work of the particles.

I think this what created magick into reality but this alone did not complete magick.

I think this also goes for every particles which creates ice,fire,water,earth and the universe.I do know not much will understand this because its too complicated to think like that.

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Re: clue to magick?
Post # 2
the power thoughts, which come from our brain. Energy is everywhere - life energy, universal energy.... have you heard scientics taking about dark energy, which we have 72% of out universe and its everywhere and nobody yet knows why.
there are many ways how it could be explained, and many ways of proveing none of they are right.
But magick still works.
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Re: clue to magick?
By: / Novice
Post # 3
I understand most of what you're saying I suppose. I've heard of light particle theories before but haven't read much on them.
I think though that it's actually much more complex, and yet somehow more simple than this.
Every, person, every object, every matter, every non-matter is it's own energy, yet it is all of the same energy. You're light particle theory goes along with this, for the light particles are what allow us to perceive or not percieve that energy. That we are of that energy allows us to manipulate our perception of that energy.
Tricky is manipulating other's perception of these energies.
I know you probably think I'm half off-base, but thoughts inspire thoughts...this is where I was lead. :-P
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Re: clue to magick?
Post # 4
Sounds intresting
I think light partiicales comes in waves
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