vision for the future

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vision for the future
Post # 1
Hey there
Many years ago, i sometime Dreamed future events. But as I got older the "visions" disappeared. So question is, how do you make it come back?
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Re: vision for the future
Post # 2

I would suggest writing and tracking your dreams down in a journal. Any precognitive will be recorded to look back on later and writing one's dreams down can help facilitate memory and increase the vividness of dreams. The more you remember dreams the better and writing them down can help you remember and work through psychological themes of your dreams. Precognitive dreams will also be written and you can look back on your entries if they come about. It is a good idea to try and date your entries.

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Re: vision for the future
Post # 3
RavenFeet already said this, but I want to emphasize it: write down as much of your dreams as you can remember! It'll help you not only remember, but process your dreams. Also, with a written record, you can identify patterns in your dreams. Finding a common theme or spotting something that continues to pop up can help you figure out what's going on.
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Re: vision for the future
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 4
This thread has been moved to Misc Topics from Wicca.
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Re: vision for the future
By: / Novice
Post # 5
I use to have prophetic dreams growing up. Children seem to have a stronger psychic connection, so you need to work on your sixth sense as you age. Writing down your dreams is a great start. Even if it's stuff like "red ball. Cloudy sky" as you practice, you will remember more. Be sure to keep a journal or phone by your bed so you can record your dreams the second you wake up [we lose 95% of our dreams in the first 5 minutes]

As for ways you can improve your clairvoyance [or psychic abilities] meditation, energy work, balancing your chakras, carrying crystals with psychic energy, drinking teas made with psychic herbs, wearing purple. You can also take a deck of playing cards and try to sense what card it is before you pull it. Start by simple "red card" or "black card" then move up to suit, face or number, then the entire card. You could also practice divination techniques such as skrying, tarot, rune, oracle cards, or pendulum. Just be sure to keep a record of your progress, you never know when you stumble across something important.
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