Crystal disappearing

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Crystal disappearing
Post # 1
So I keep buying rose quarts not using them in any craft but trying to attract love into my life and had one on my keychain for months and the entire spiral cage it was in was missing off my keys one day
I have no recollection of when it would have happened
So I bought a bracelet I haven't taken off in a week I even went swimming with it and it dissapeared I just randomly noticed and again no idea when it would have happened. So what could this be
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Re: Crystal disappearing
Post # 2

First you want to eliminate physical reasons why these items may be lost.

In example you swam with a bracelet. Is it possible you lost the bracelet while swimming?

You lost a crystal and cage for it off your keyring. Is it possible it detached and fell off somewhere?

I'd try to eliminate these possibilities first. If you truly can not eliminate these examples, they are the most likely and logical explanations for what happened to these items.

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Re: Crystal disappearing
Post # 3

I agree with the last post. It is always good to limit down the possibility, but in saying so. I remember reading once when I first started the craft back in 2018. I remember this because it came up three times, but basically it said a crystal may disappeared on you and if it does it wasn't meant for you. So, maybe try and buy different crystals other than rose or at least ones that are drawn to you. But yes, its always good to rule out the other possibility.

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Re: Crystal disappearing
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 4

This could just be normal loss of items as life is lived or it could be a sign that rose quartz is not the best stone for you to utilize for the purpose of attracting love. You said you are not using the stones in any craft but instead your trying to attract love into your life by wearing or carrying a piece of rose quartz with you. This is in fact utilizing the crystal for an aspect of the craft. You are essentially carrying a love charm as you have an intention attached to the crystal.

There are other stones/crystals that may attract love into one's life. Many help with self love, which is important when you are trying to attract love into your life. Below is a list of stones/crystals that may work better for you;

Malachite, a heart chakra connector which also opens the heart up to unconditional love

Pink Tourmaline, opens the heart chakras and heals old wounds which helps the heart love from a place of wholeness

Garnet, connects one with their root chakra giving one courage and mental clarity as one turns their visualizations into physical reality. Helps increase confidence in relationships so that your needs are made clear and that communication remains strong so that healthy bonds are forged rather than toxic ones which can easily drain an individual.

Jade, a heart chakra stone that supports harmonious relationships, attracts good luck and friendships which is an important aspect in finding any love.

Many Blessing to you on your path,


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