Help removing fetishes

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Help removing fetishes
Post # 1
Basically I have an ego formed entity attached to me. It’s been here for quite some time but just recently started doing some sort of energy generation and jolting me awake when I try to sleep. I haven’t slept in two days and I’m going mad! I’ve never heard of a situation like this and it’s made me cry. Can anyone help/tell me what to do? Thanks.
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Re: Help removing fetishes
Post # 2

First I'd like to ask how you came to know of this attachment?

There is a technique called shamanic extraction. You could try this yourself with patience.

I have written a short article on how it can be done here:

You could also try a cord cutting. There are different techniques you can use. You could try visualizing cutting the cord and ties between what you feel is an attachment and yourself.

Good luck.

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Re: Help removing fetishes
By: / Novice
Post # 3
Hmm... I just want to clarify. By 'ego formed entity' do you mean an entity you have made, like a servitor or thoughtform? If this is the case, I would imagine the process to be a simple one of grounding out the energy and mentally/willfully releasing the idea of the entity's existence.

If you know how to knit or crochet, you could try using a basic stitch pattern for a doll, poppet, or even just a ball or quilt-square. Slowly stitch the item while visualizing the energy and construction of the thoughtform being part of the yarn. Stitching it together into one form/place effectively gathering the idea of the entity into a physical object and binding them together.

When completed, take it to a natural place, lay it on the ground, and draw a small circle around it. Draw the circle in salt if you want, but it isn't necessary. Put one hand over the object, holding it down to the ground so you can pull the thread with the other hand and unravel the stitching. As you do, make a statement of release. (Go in peace... Return in peace from whence you came... In love, return to your place of belonging... there are many ways you can say it)

Completely unravel the stitching, wipe the circle, and leave everything behind. If you want an extra measure of good will maybe leave a small, simple offering behind too like a piece of food (bread, an apple) or beverage (Home-brewed tea, some people leave alcohol), or a bit of meaningful herb or incense.
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Re: Help removing fetishes
Post # 4
It presented itself to me in a very vulgar way I don’t even think I’m allowed to state it. I’ll try the techniques you stated crystalseer! And spirit yes that’s exactly what I’m saying created out of fear. I don’t knit but I will try a poppet and some grounding. Thanks guys.
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