Veganism in Wicca Q&A

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Veganism in Wicca Q&A
Post # 1

If a malevolent entity finds its way to someone and starts causing trouble (goodness forbid), could it also go after the people around whoever they were first attached to? For example, if someone in this server does attempt to reach out to demons for example, is there any risk of other members being targeted if things don't go as expected?

No. It is energy based. You don't have the same energy as that other person. Also demons aren't evil, as I stated earlier, Dark energy doesnt mean they are evil. Its like dark matter in space. It has a low frequency. Most demons are nice to humans because we can assist them. There are different realms. I'm guessing most of you have heard of the astral realm? Demons can give their energy (which has been around for thousands of years, building up and growing on itself, to assist you. In return, they want something physical.

They dont want your soul. A soul is basically a battery. And they are gods compared to us. They dont want an ant's battery, you know But humans are in the physical realm. So usually they want incense, wine for their own rituals (demons have a sweet tooth btw)

^ (reminder from my last Q&A)

Would a vegan feel very limited by witchcraft and are there ways to adapt rituals to exclude things from animals?

Not at all, If you are vegan, I would suggest starting in Green magick and kitchen magick. Most rituals have nothing to do with animals unless it is a super heavy curse. Even those are usually finding bees that have already passed on. In some norse traditions they do like to role bones that they find during hikes while doing runes, but a lot of paganism in more nature based when it comes to uses. Animals are sacred and are our family (in Wicca beliefs). Some cultures do involve a lot of animal work, such as using bones.

(These questions came from my discord server and the answers I provide are either my own experiences or the best I could find in resources. They might not be the same as yours and thats ok)

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Re: Veganism in Wicca Q&A
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 2
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