3rd eye opening

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3rd eye opening
Post # 1
I would like to have my 3rd eye opened. I have an amethyst crystal on my wishlist on amazon. I would like to do this without meditation. Would holding the crystal up to my forehead be the easiest way or one way to do it? How long should I hold the crystal against my forehead? What are the side effects of holding the crystal against my forehead to open my 3rd eye and how long would it take for the side effects to kick in?
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Re: 3rd eye opening
Post # 2
in order to open your 3rd eye you have to open your other chakras first and you have to do it properly and it can only be done through meditation or by asking an entity to do it for you which i am very against. the crystal will only be a crutch it cannot simply open your chakra.

you should definitely study more if your wanting to open your 3rd eye

it can open itself naturally if you decalcify your pineal gland you can do this by avoiding fluoride.

your 3rd eye may even be open and you just dont know it as chakras seem to be somewhat opened at birth some more opened than others.

i hope this was helpful daulton
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