Governtment Issues...

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Governtment Issues...
Post # 1
I have been on SOM for a while now, and over the months I have been a part of it I have read some very intrestign threads. More and more things are starting to surface like NWO, governement cotrol, things in that matter. Well I think a lot of us on here have you know, scrached the surface and more of a lot of issues. What is, like government people, CIA, FBI, things like that uncover this site, and begin to like, "Oh my, there on to us." and like trace out IP Adress and like come to kill us or say were all crazy and try to put us in a mental ward. Yea you all are probley thinking I am crazy or silly, but it is a question that lightly worries me. Blessed be.
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Re: Governtment Issues...
Post # 2
.....Did you take your meds today lol jk jk, people might be acting a little bit more paranoid then usually, but things like this are actually happening, not the way you stated them though lol, but things like Project Blue-beam, it's not really the government, its the illuminati.
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Re: Governtment Issues...
Post # 3
I would not put anything past this goverment. I read somthing a while ago. In New York some wierd monster looking creature washed up the shore. And the news paper talked about it washing up near a facility that is goverment owned. IN the 60-70 they would take kids off the street and experiment on them.
The monster was probably a prank, But the other stuff.What the reporter said. scary!
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Re: Governtment Issues...
Post # 4
Yes! BUT! What if they try to kill us off, or like put us away in a mental home because they know we are right, and there like "Dear God! There going to expose us!"
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Re: Governtment Issues...
Post # 5
They would prolly just kill us then.
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Re: Governtment Issues...
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 6
I wouldn't worry to much about it. The government has records of some of us here on the site already and we are still alive. LOL Besides with so much farce ness here on the site they probably don't look to close.
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Re: Governtment Issues...
Post # 7
Whats the Illuminati?
I've heard of it heaps, but never known what it is.
As for the government assassination/eliminations I'm in Australia, so yeah, that doesn't apply to me... yet...
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Re: Governtment Issues...
Post # 8
Paranoia can be a horrible thing, it can spread faster than a disease, don't get caught in it's path, yes, governments are changing to try and advance their control, but also, more and more people are choosing to break away from it, shunning the worldly economy driven side for the more natural peacefull easy life which may not be of the material, but of so much more. Each system a government builds can be broken if it must, joint conciousness + intent + direction and release = collapse of the system which holds the monetary world together, but once again, it's a choice all must think through before even considering it, focus on a thought life that for too long could accidentally put things into motion...or has you reading this post already now set things into motion, that is the question i guess ;)
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Re: Governtment Issues...
Post # 9
Lol, it's weird, I thought up of this today in an exam, expressing my views via English about the monetary system.
The monetary system is what destroys equality, yet Governments control the value of money, and they give some to other countries to "Aid" their poverty. But the thing is, Governments control people through money, not through policies, I just realised this just now, and I'm still a bit confused on what I'm thinking, I'll post something else more useful later.
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Re: Governtment Issues...
Post # 10
if you are confused Sir that is a realization you are having, breaking through one of the metaphorical doors people are always speaking of, message me if you need me to help you with it, cause a realization is a step to enlightenment ;)
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