Chaos Magick Examples?

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Chaos Magick Examples?
Post # 1
Can someone give me examples of chaos magick spells? When I look it up, all I see are terms like "results-based magic." However, I couldn't find out what kind of spells chaos magick does (ex. healing, weather, etc.) Even the forums here in SoM didn't specify. I'm not interested in practicing it. I'm just curious as to what it's used for, that's all.
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Re: Chaos Magick Examples?
Post # 2
That's not at all how chaos magic works. The entire point is that it is not a set practice whatsoever.

Something a lot of people get confused on is thinking the word "chaos" in the title means that it is about disorder, destruction, and instability. Its not. Rather, chaos means it has no rules. There are not really any "chaos magic" spells. But that doesn't mean you can't do spells and consider yourself a chaos magician. There are no rules. It's results-based because if something doesn't work, you seek what does.

Generally, chaos magic focuses more on mind than on external sources: It's often about decoding why something works rather than hoping something works. People began realizing that abstracting a concept and impressing that abstraction into the subconscious gets better results. It's about repeatability for the practitioner. Ritual creates a mindspace, partially explaining success of ceremonial magic. Dedication to the result embeds a concept into the subconscious, explaining successes for folk magicians and witches using seemingly random things to associate them with a spell or working.

It also doesn't rule out the existence of external results, among other things. There are groups of practitioners who work with pre-existing deities with success as well as creating their own, whether personal servitors or tulpas, or sharing the experience with egregores (such as the creation of Fotamecus, Ellis, and more, as created by the DKMU).

It's all why one common phrase among people who call themselves chaotes is, "Nothing is true. Everything is permitted."
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Re: Chaos Magick Examples?
Post # 3
Chaos magick could be pretty much anything. There is a part about writing without a tence (future). Read thorugh sacred text ( or org), I always found it to be great. I don't recall many spacific spells, might have been a few from the IOT.
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Re: Chaos Magick Examples?
Post # 4
Think of it as like Bruce Lee's Jeet Kune Do, take what works and discard what does not. You are free to try rituals, spells, techniques from any form of magick, finding what works for you through experimentation. As you gain experience, like all magicks, you will find yourself developing your own style. Of course, belief is all important, you must be able to believe whatever technique you try.
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Re: Chaos Magick Examples?
Post # 5
I've practiced Chaos before and would agree with the above responce. There were some good points.
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