I'm lost and unsure...

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I'm lost and unsure...
Post # 1
Hello, my name is Dahlia and I've taken it upon myself to venture into the world of magick again.

I practiced when I was younger and slowly lost it.

I currently identify as a LaVeyan Satanist but I've been more open to go back to the use of magick.

When I was younger, I used to see spirits within my home, others homes, in nature. I have lost that ability. I want to reconnect with that. I want things that can be accomplished by magick. I want to be closer with nature. I'm just afraid of consequences, failure and not being successful in my use of magick. I have a very deep love for "dark" things and the like but I know the magick world is something to be cautious of.

I just really don't know where to start. I watch videos on YouTube, Instagram and TikTok all the time but they always seem to be so much more experienced, so much more knowledgeable and I'd like to be just as experienced.

But again, I don't know where to start. My list goes from spell casting to scrying to astral projecting and to natural/herbal spells to candle spells and so on.

If anyone has advice, I would greatly appreciate it.
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Re: I'm lost and unsure...
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 2
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Re: I'm lost and unsure...
Post # 3

Happy to have you here! To be able to do effective spellwork, it's helpful to have a solid background in grounding, centering, and energy raising. Starting with some straightforward meditation can help. There are some good beginner articles regarding this on this site.

I mention this bc you have also mentioned an interest in AP, which I feel like is a natural segue. While you work on energy work, it would also be helpful to work on lucid dreaming, which people find is a natural progression to astral projection. Once you feel comfortable with energy work (including shielding) you can start working on AP.

I tend to do more rituals than spells so I won't be as helpful for you there. In my practice I generally use them for protection, healing, or support as needed. However there is general agreement that being able to raise and direct energy will help you have effective spells.

Take your time, read lots, and don't be afraid of failing! It's a learning process and a spiritual path, no one expects you to wake up one day and suddenly know every single thing there is to know. Further, you don't have to know every single thing before you start practicing. Life, and spiritual practice, are about the journey rather than the destination. starting with small practices, like lighting a candle/stating an intention daily, taking a bit of time to meditate, etc, are helpful and no less significant than big, fancy rituals.

Hopefully this helps a little bit. Wishing you luck!

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