Spells For Power

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Spells For Power
Post # 1
Are there any really good power spells shown to work? I really need to get power so that I can be in control of something important ( Circumstances, if your wondering). Anything using chaos magick or mental magic, or something like that. Please I really need some help here.
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Re: Spells For Power
By: / Novice
Post # 2
You're going to need to be more specific as to what these circumstances are, because that changes whether or not there's a spell for you. Regardless, no spell allows us to be totally in control of our circumstances. With the information offered, I'm inclined to recommend that you look into protection spells and wards, but again, the more detail the better.
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Re: Spells For Power
Post # 3

The idea of being powerful with magic(k) isn't quite what a lot of people are given the impression it is. Regardless of someone's practice, I believe the greatest benefit is internal. I think that is where the power has the most effect.

As for external circumstance, I do not believe any situation can be put entirely under control. There are almost always too many factors, which one person may not always consider. However, there may be influence. That said, I still believe the greatest work is to become the bouler in the wind storm, remaining steadfast in the midst of circumstance.

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Re: Spells For Power
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 4
I absolutely agree with what prsona stated above. In fact, one of most simple concepts of the Universe stipulates that life and everything self-organizes in certain patterns. However, once this organization reaches certain level of organization and isolation, it then starts descending into disorder, which increases as the passage of time increases. This is reflected into our mind and subconsciousness too. The mind seeks organization in control and balance, subconsciousness just it is as it is chaotic as it might be. Controlling circumstances is like trying to create a probability tree with thousands of possible branches an any given minute, and as things/people involve, as the things that bind them change the branches will also change.You cannot account for all changes, as they happen because you might not witness them happening. Truth is that we cannot control everything we want to as it happens. What we can partially learn to control is how we react to these changes and remain solid and on the course of our paths as the chaos ensues as much as we can. The real power is internal. It does not change with external circumstances and does not seek to fully control the system. If you have the mentality to just use mental techniques to change circumstances and control them tirelessly, once you no longer can your Will will break, your energy will disperse.The system will go back to chaos. If you use chaos magic, you are supposed to reach some state of letting go and then hopefully gnosis. Once this happens you will realize that what happens to us here and now on normal plane of existence does not matter at all. Especially once you forget about the passage of time. Sub/consciousness just exists does not matter circumstances, time frame, probability, physical laws, emotions or desires. This is the only true power a living human can have without limit. Otherwise every power comes with equally strong weakness, which needs to be negated. Magical Wills breaks, uncontrolled emotions unleashed burn out. The only thing that always remain is just being and our understanding of our state of being. Things we harness to stay in power in magic eventually run out their course and grind to halt because there is also balance opposing the chaos. Everything moves, everything changes, everything has equal power opposing it so that the system moves with the passage of time.

The desire for control always is seated in fear and fear is no power. Surviving the worst and making the best of it is true power because it requires reaching a certain state of being.
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