Negative Forces~

CovenSpell Casters ► Negative Forces~
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Negative Forces~
Post # 1
I was using my pendulum to contact my goddess, when all of a sudden I start getting strange answers. I asked if it was her and my pendulum said no. I was getting a weird vibe, so I asked if the force was negative, and it said yes. After, I cleansed my pendulum with sage, and this sage normally has trouble staying lit, however it would not go out after i tried smothering it. It was such a weird experience and I'm just unsure on how to feel about it. Anyone have advice or anything?
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Re: Negative Forces~
By: / Novice
Post # 2
If sage is still smouldering, it means there's still some negative energy in the room. I would cleanse your room [possibly your home] as well as yourself. Next time you use the pendulum, cast a circle to keep unwanted beings out. You are creating sacred ground by casting a circle, so your Goddess would have an easier time contacting you, while the barrier protects you from outside forces.
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