Hello spirit friend :)

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Hello spirit friend :)
Post # 1

I find my way by where I am... so I am here, and enjoying seeing the community.

A lil about me. I've experienced a lot, and lived a lot. I've won and lost, gave and received. I hope I have always gave more, lost when I need to, and touched my path. I have always lived by my heart, which is never easy in a world of ease to not.

If you are reading this, synchronicity has happened. Like dancing to music, it just does. Those are two of the forces I believe in:Music and Synchronicity. Spirituality and ones Inner 'God' over religion and self justification through a faith. The path of our mind is fraught, but when we achieve stillness and connection, the waters calm like the touch of a lover.

I am more than willing to share my thoughts on anything you may ask, as my path can only become clearer by sharing light.

I hope you read this being well on your path.

Namaste my new friends!


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Re: Hello spirit friend :)
Post # 2

Welcome to the site! Your path sounds like an interesting one and I am sure you have knowledge to offer. If you need any help just ask!

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Re: Hello spirit friend :)
Post # 3

Thank you for your kind words!

I will ask for sure!

I did just have one, so a bit of synchronicity happening :).

Where would one put more opinion pieces and still related to their profile or writings on site related topics than questions, spells or kinda typical forum posts?

I could do a forum post then fav it, I do see that option.

Thank you!


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Re: Hello spirit friend :)
By: / Novice
Post # 4

Welcome to the site!

As far as your question goes, the best places to post pieces of your work whether they are opinions or facts you want to share are two places: the forums, and then if you are part of a coven you can add to their articles. You do have to be a council position or higher in order to do so, and you can always join Spell Casters which promotes you immediately to council so that you are able to contribute to their spells and articles sections.

Otherwise, the forums are a great place to post :)

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Re: Hello spirit friend :)
Post # 5

Thank you for your help Queen Ash! And so quickly fro mmany members! Real energy here.

It really is a caring community.

I am still divining some types of chants, and tend to be more elemental in nature and energy, as I use my forest, plants and natural water sources to draw from. I am looking to call upon some spirits of the forest as I definately have been called when out and searching. Some seem a bit mischievous and aided by the forest. To that end,I need to perform some healing and trust with the forest, as it was harvested 30 years ago for part of it, and it is still untrusting of man a biy, as it was virgin before. Ihave started offerings and spoken to elements already... but it takes time, which I understand. I had thought maybe an evening gathering via some video conferencing for others to talk and share connection might help. It is a very timid and shy forest, with many young members. The older deep pines are so strong though, its lovely. Even a walk may be possible to see what we can all divine from it.

I will look at the application of Spell Casters to see if I can have synergy with the folks there. I have a more... connective way of 'energy casting' and less formulaic as with spells. Not saying anything negitive, as I know andI understand their power and know a couple wiccans as friends around to discuss with as well.

Should you look at my profile and if I may answer or work with you in any way, please feel welcomed to to talk.

Namaste my earth friend, and thank you again.


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