making a text happen

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making a text happen
Post # 1
Help I need to find a way to get someone text my friend I’ll take any advice anything
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Re: making a text happen
Post # 2

My opinion is that influencing someone emotionally is difficult enough; controlling their actions is much more difficult. It's not something I personally practice, however, as I refuse to interfere with free will. However, I will say not every working towards this end is a guarantee. Even if a "call me" or "think of me" type spell works, it will affect the target with thoughts to text, or a desire to do so. If the person still chooses not to text, there is little to be done at that point.

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Re: making a text happen
Post # 3

I prefer the good old days of simply approaching someone or writing them a letter about how you feel, but oh well times change.

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Re: making a text happen
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 4
This thread has been moved to Spell Suggestions from Misc Topics.
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Re: making a text happen
By: / Novice
Post # 5
You can look into contact spells, you could also light a white candle, carve the name of the person you want to text on the candle, then write your friends name on a piece of paper and place it under the candle [maybe draw a phone or text message screen for specification] then as it burns visualize your desired outcome [the person not only texting but perhaps how the conversation would go and the outcome of it]

Of course the other option is if you have this persons number, tell them to contact your friend. You could be direct like "hey, our friend hasn't heard from you in a while, you should say hi" or subtle "friend and I are planning on hanging out, here's friends number, text them where you plan to meet up"
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