Wheel Of The Year Plaque
Wheel Of The Year Plaque
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Retail Price: $82.95
Sale: $70.51 (Save 15%)
Sale: $70.51 (Save 15%)
WEIGHT: 4 lbs
SKU: SW727
SKU: SW727
A finely detailed plaque to honor life, family, friends, bounty, and the progression of the sun. Each spoke is labeled with the Sabbat's name and a representation. Mabon having apples, Ostara with a nest full of eggs, and Samhain combined with pumpkins are just a few. Light earth brown. Hand Painted Resin 11" x 1" x 11"
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Wheel Of The Year Plaque Reviews:
Rated 5 out of 5 from 1 reviews.
By kts |
Well crafted and beautifully detailed! I have had mine for years and still love it :)
5/5 stars