faucet nosebleeds

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faucet nosebleeds
Post # 1

The faucet nosebleeds have gone away, for now. But i have a question about it.

So I know someone who did a summoning ritual in the house i have stayed at before i ended up moving to another. I had faucet nosebleeds about four or five times since then. I always feel something or someone touching me (which freaks me out when I'm downtown walking alone.), i had sleep paralysis once that i can remember. Does anyone know what kind of entitiy this may be?

I forgot to add above when ever it's near or touching me, my nose gets numb and fuzzy. I haven't really had horrible side effects, no negativity, anger, nothing. So i am just slightly confused. If anyone could help me out with some knowledge, that would be incredibly kind.

Thank you and blessed be!

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