Helping others out

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Helping others out
Post # 1
I took a pledge a couple years back, to help people. I have an extra bank account for just donating to charities such as children’s hospitals, homelessness, autism awareness, etc.

I wrote down on that sheet that no matter how much hated I have for myself, I will still help others love themselves and feel good. I hate seeing other people in pain.

To let you know, you are an amazing person. No matter what someone says about you, you have to be strong enough to say

I am a good person

I hope you all have a wonderful and blessed rest of your day/night!
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Re: Helping others out
Post # 2
That’s a good pledge to have however, you should still like yourself (as much as possible that is). It is important to treat yourself with respect. Also thank you for the kind message, cheered my day up!
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Re: Helping others out
By: / Novice
Post # 3
Merry Meet,

You do not need to answer me Distophian, but you should answer for yourself why you have so much hatred towards yourself. You care enough about others to work for them, to have money to help them, to post how you should love those around you, but you can not love yourself why? The kindest people come from the deepest pain, but you can change, and you deserve to love yourself. You are a wonderful person. You need to help yourself before you can help others, talk to a therapist. It is not an over night fix, it can take weeks, even years, but you need to start the healing process. Only then can you begin to love yourself and grow. Even try a kids help phone or hotline to talk to someone anonymously can do wonders. You deserve it, you are worth it.

Blessed Be.
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Re: Helping others out
Post # 4
Hi distophian. That's really an amazing thing your doing,and such a thing could only come from an amazing person. I wish I had the extra money to help others as well. You should give yourself some happiness, you deserve it. I'm a really good listener and can give my best Advice if you want it. (Not about magic,I'm still learning) but if you want or need to talk you may send a message. Stay sweet!
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Re: Helping others out
Post # 5
I understand Distophian. I maybe wrong about you but sometimes the only way to love yourself is to help others. Even if you or me dislike ourselves it gives worth to ourselves to help others and see them gain something even when nothing a person who hates themself can gain anything to make them feel worth something or love themself. Keep giving to others, especially if you are like me, and it gives you self worth. Im not saying for you to give everything you own to others but there is alot to be gained by giving.
A blessing of having no value for yourself or hating yourself is that you dont judge others and by not judging others and giving to everyone you will become content with yourself. The laws of physics say that each and every action has an equal and opposite reaction. If you give to others, it may not happen soon or yet, you will recieve something back that can be more valuable than what you gave wich it usually self worth, the ablility to be content with yourself, or happiness.
Remember the gift that keeps on giving even when someone has lost their own humanity is to not judge others. That is a special gift and the more you give the more you recieve the ability to not judge yourself and be content.
The gift you gave everyone who reads your initial post on this thread is one of magick. The whole thing was a blessing
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Re: Helping others out
Post # 6
In addition to your efforts, I've learned that helping individual people whom the world in general won't, also has its good benifits. Personally, I've sought to help one of the SlenderGirls, Morgan Geyser, whenever she was ruthlessly hounded on Social Media. People on-line actually wanted to kill not just her, but her parents as well ! This world needs to change.
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