Making deals with the dev

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Making deals with the dev
Post # 1
Is it really possible to make deals with Lucifer there's people who believe Lucifer is evil and not to be trusted and there's other's who says he is good but the only thing I am more worry about is it possible to make deals with him if so what price must pay.
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Re: Making deals with the dev
By: / Novice
Post # 2

With any deity you would be expected to exchange help, influence or services for something else. Many offer foods, fruit and such. Older practices often speak of "sacrifice offerings" whereas animals would be used. It comes down to the intent of what you are seeking help with and the offering or 'price to pay' for those services.

As far as Lucifer goes, that really depends on your relationship with him. Many different religions deal with a force or being that refers to him/her. Personally, I have no relationship, since I don't believe in him, but other people have a very strong relationship with him and work with him a lot. It really comes down to your practice. Honestly, it does not matter who you are working with, they all should be given respect as some sense of repayment for their services. Think of it like going to a professional and asking for their help. They will be more than happy to assist you, since it is their field of expertise, but they will want something for their time and effort.

Good luck. I would speak with others who work with and have a relationship with Lucifer. They can be more helpful in advising of what he/she expects in return for help.


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Re: Making deals with the dev
By: / Novice
Post # 3
This thread has been moved to Spiritual Creatures from General Info.
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