Controlling the elements?

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Controlling the elements?
Post # 1
I've seen several spells for "controlling the elements" but can spells like that work?
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Re: Controlling the elements?
By: / Novice
Post # 2
no, you can't control the elements. real magick is a natural force that works with nature to bring a desired change. humans cannot control the elements so spells claiming to do so don't work. some believe they can with time and practice move a candle flame, or get the wind the blow more/less, but that's more on the "psychic" abilities and takes practice [and if you believe in it, i won't argue you] but as far as spells go, you can't say a few words and be able to create rock slides, or shape water, or whatever else with special powers. magick is subtle and as an energy, on effects energy [like magnets, you can charge the energy to attract or repel what you want in your life]
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Re: Controlling the elements?
Post # 3
Thank your for your reply. I was merely curious to if spells like that could work. I’ve seen a lot of spells on this website, and many others, claim to be real but in actuality they are not. so I just want to make the boundaries on Magick clear.
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