What am I seeing?

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What am I seeing?
Post # 1
I am trying to better understand my spirit guides and decided to do a guided meditation. I personally believe that we have more than one primary spirit guide, a guide in the form of an animal ( or totem animal as the Native Americans call them ), an ancestor, and an Angeleic being ( an angel ) to watch over us, guide us and protect us. While other spirits may come and go in our lives, these three stay and watch over us. With that being said, I am a little lost by the symbolism in my guided meditation, which I will leave below.

"I'm standing at the foot of a mountain, stone stairs are in front of me, as they lead into the crisp white clouds. A blue clear river ripples behind me, pine trees line the border of the lake and mountain. As I slowly climb the stairs my feet feel the cold moist stone beneath me. Symbols line the side of the stairs, old and ancient, as they lead me up the stairs and onto a glass platform. This glass platform over looks the cannyon and the river under me. Across from the platform a stone circular portal opens emitting purple/indigo light that springs forth and makes a bridge before me ( I was supposed to invision gold light, but no matter how hard I tried it was a purplish indigo color & there was not meant to be a portal that opened up ). I cross the bridge to find a stone hedge with trees behind it, ancient symbols weeve up the sides like a snake as they slowly disapear until it reaches the top were it swirls into a white gem before disapearing. The corner ripples and a stone door appear's, I push it open to reveal a set of stairs leading down onto stone platform where a white shiming gate opens up into a grass field. On the left there are waterfalls in the distance, and fae playing over fresh tulips. In front of me is the famous Stone Hedge, and standing in front of it is my great mother, a bear with green symbols on his arm, and a golden light angel with a healing staff"

I am having trouble interperating the personal items in this, and the messages. If anyone could help me interperate the purple light and some of the other aspects, it would be greatly appreciated.
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Re: What am I seeing?
Post # 2

I'm not too sure, in what your trying to ask. So I thought, I put a handle small list, and my interpretation to help you.

Mountains: mountain are all about grounding yourself. Maybe your going through a emotional time, right now, and feeling a little bit overwhelmed. Try to ground yourself, and meditate.

Clouds: clouds are all about the mind. "Your mind too cloudy," maybe your trying to solve too many problems take a pause, take it slow, in order to see the end of the finish line.

River: "don't go against the current. Go with it." You might be trying too hard on something, in your day to day life. If you go with the flow of life, you will find things will come to you a little bit easy. Maybe, even try to put the law of attraction into play.

Blue: blue normally to do with emotions. Or having faith, in oneself that they can get the job done right, or trusting the heavens above that all good things, comes to those who wait.

Glass: glass can be strong as it helps, holding the water in your cup, but at the same time it can easily break. Maybe your starting to see yourself as the victim, it might be something you need to forgive yourself, or others who have wronged you. You also might be feeling stressed about a situation, or maybe you feel like you don't have the strength. But glass can also be telling you, to stand up for yourself, every now and again. Show people that you are able to rule, of your own kingdom, or know you can get yourself out of any, overwhelming emotions. By working with them, and not against them.

Pine tree: seeing a project through to the end. If your working on anything, than maybe it's a little bit overwhelming, but the pine tree is telling you to see it through to the end. It might end up being alongevity project.

indigo: indigo could mean a lot of things. If you don't know your star seed originals. Than maybe you should research indigo child. It could also mean, that maybe you believed you have a unfair treatment against you, and maybe the gate way was there to tell you justice is coming into your life.

portal: (I don't know too much about portals.) but I do like to see them as door ways. Maybe you've finally came to terms to something that has been, nagging at you for a while, and the portal is opening up to you, like a new idea popping inside your mind.

It could also mean, that if your new, than your opening up a whole new world.

My thoughts: I wouldn't be too worried about not being able to change it into the right colour. From my own experience, I'm slowly starting to see if something won't change in my mind. Than, this is how I am meant to see it as, and the divine behind it, wishes me to view it as such.

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Re: What am I seeing?
Post # 3
You pretty much answered my question, a lot of what I was seeing was part of the guided meditation, telling me to vizulise it, but there were some thing's my own mind refused to see or changed and I wasn't sure of how to interperate it. So thank you very much!
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