My first spellwork

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My first spellwork
Post # 1
Hi everybody,

Im new here and thought some of you could give me some advice on a matter and just overall tips. Any help is much appreciated :)

For about some weeks now I have been doing some extensive research about hoodoo, love spells and honey jars.
I decided to do a binding spell out of the blue, because it seemed easy and I truly just wanted to see how it would turn out.
I did the binding on the 19th of December. I also did a honey jar for love that evening too, which I had planned on doing for some time now.
I woke up next morning and noticed the person I used for both of the work contacted me that late evening.
Now I am not sure which work it was that worked, which is something I am now aware in the future. I continued burning the candle for the jar daily with chants and focused meditation, sensing enormous energy while doing so. The flame has been steady and long every time.
Is there advice to turn the jar even on the days when the candle is not burned and how to proceed after a month of burning a candle ?

I tried to do research more about spellwork and honey jars and there is so much information that I will find out the answers through experimenting and reading more and more.
Something I did and didn't find an answer to;

When I do a spell / honey jar / love mojo bag, I only do one at a time for a particular reason ?
In other words, I don't do a love spell during full moon and the next week do a binding spell because 'the first one didn't work (thats unethical and disrespectful for the first work done).
But I did also read that you can make a spell stronger with chants or mojo bags etc. So my question is, is there a preferred timeframe when you would suggest adding spells etc to strengthen the first spell?

I hope I am using correct wording in my writing since I am not native American, please do correct me if I am wrong.

Looking forward to any advice you may have :)


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Re: My first spellwork
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 2
This thread has been moved to Other Spells Discussion from General Info.
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Re: My first spellwork
Post # 3
In regards to "which spell worked", what past relationships did you have with your "target"? If you had a fling or two before, then it was the jar. If it was someone you picked out of the blue, then it was the binding spell.

After the first week of ritual, you only need to shake the jar once in a while, to keep the enchant going. The only time you would turn the jar over, is to end the spell and empty out the contents.

As for strengthening your rituals, it all depends on the path taken and experience. For me, I prefer to use the correct color of a skull candle, to give that "extra kick in the ass" to the jar I created. Sometimes, it's just as simple as anointing the candle/jar/items you'll be using.
As for using mojo bags and such, you can make a similar bag to your jar, then place it into your pocket if you're going to be around your "target".

Good luck.
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Re: My first spellwork
Post # 4
Thanks, this is helpful.

We had a relationship but coming into contact so fast.. was surprising. We have not been in contact at all lately, but I really was positively surprised that I got that movement from him.

Now I have been looking more into saints and patrons, and some questions have come to my mind; Do you only work with one saint at a time ? If you want to petition something that would be based on your career / studies you go for one (St. Expedite ie.) and if you want some help in relationship issues you'd go to-- St. Anthony ? I also red somewhere that St. Expedite has helped with relationships and finding love, but then you would have to make one petition at a time, obviously, not to overdo it or ask too much.

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