Can someone help me

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Can someone help me
Post # 1
hey does anyone know how to tell what is watching me becuz everday for the past few years like 4 or 6 years ago once I got depression I was just now notice with it. but I got worse overtime also I see things and hear whispers... like I always hear something on my bed.. like someone is lying their waiting for me to sleep with them..its always cold around me... I feel paranoid all the time... sometimes I randomly get lustful thoughts and sometimes I start feeling weak in a love way like my heart slows down and I get tierd and I keep blushing over nothing. also everytime I walk by a tv are electronics always mess up around me... I always feel a presents around me.. sometimes things fly across my room are float?

Sorry for English.

Also I here my name and other things. I rember this time I was walking upstairs I trip backwards and something grab me and put me back in my place? its true! I think its protecting me in someway. sometimes this Presents touches me on the shoulder,hand or head. I always had it following me ... idk what it is... are what it might look like... but I can see spirits but this one is hard to see..
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