Past life Know it all

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Past life Know it all
Post # 1

Can people, know about someones past life? without ever being in front of them, in person? and just said to someone, that i know your past life, to them on a computer and that, they never knew about magick? or about past lifes?

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Re: Past life Know it all
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 2

In my experience, the answer is no. That is very unlikely.

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Re: Past life Know it all
By: / Beginner
Post # 3

Some psychics may be able to tell you if you are a reincarnated soul, but usually, and the psychics I've known, can only do so through physically meeting someone as it deals with one's energy.

A psychic may be able to help guide you to uncover your past lives, but they won't be able to uncover it for you. Discovering one's past lives is a highly personal journey and can only, of course in my personal experience, can only be unlocked through you and not by someone else.

Of course my opinions are based off of my own experiences. I by no means claim to be absolute as someone may have a completely different experience, and I can't discredit their experiences.

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Re: Past life Know it all
Post # 4
It is possible for another person, in my experience, to know about someone's past lives...especially if they knew you in one. As for myself I know about 15-20 of my past lives in depth, some of them my ancestors and others whom I can find historical research and documentation about...however it usually starts out discovering a past life in a vision or in a dream. As for me, it would be possible for me to find out about someone else's past lives but I would have to know some things about them first. I find it really difficult to control my visions...I have psychic visions really intensely/frequently, however, I cannot call on certain visions or imagery for the most part so I may not be able to see an image of someone else's past life as easily as my own. I have identified other people in their past lives though before, I usually know the person though. Just to give you an idea of some of the visions I have seen of my own past lives so you have an idea how I know about my past lives etc. There is one where I was named Bridgette and I was a Druid. Basically the vision which I see more than any other vision starts where I am in a red cloak and I am running with a man in a green cloak, my friend from that life, and we are running from a man on a black horse that is a knight and he whips the man in the green cloak and he falls to the ground and then the knight dismounts his horse very rapidly and I fight with him and then we kiss basically in the middle of fighting and then he takes me on his horse, and later I see the guy in the green cloak on a white horse (idk what happens in between this) and he rides past Bridgette (myself) and the knight and the man in the green cloak grabs her off of the horse with the knight and pulls her onto his horse. Also keep in mind psychics are never 100 % right and all answers can change. So if someone tells you a past life and it doesn't feel right it probably isn't. Past lives are so much fun...if you are interested in learning more about your past lives or ways to do past life recall...please let me know.
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Re: Past life Know it all
Post # 5
I have heard it done via tarot card readings. Tarot readings, as many know, can be performed remotely. However, there is generally some form of contact made with the recipient (email, phone calls, texts, etc) beforehand and afterwards.

I've never personally heard of someone randomly contacting a stranger and telling them something like what you've presented, and can only see it being used as either a scam or an introduction. (I possess a suspicious nature lol.)

Having said my opinion based solely upon personal experience, I will add that there is really no way to be 100% certain of whether it is possible or not. But people have been known to have a clear recognition of a stranger, and attribute it to having met during a past life.
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Re: Past life Know it all
Post # 6
Many individuals to this day I have recognized from my own past lives. I don't see people, I see souls, if it helps. And many souls are familiar but have different faces. Therefore, I mostly only know other's past lives if they were a part of mine. However, I know others past in there current lives but Ive never tried to dive deeper into other lives.
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