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Post # 1
Everyday my two dogs start barking at something outside, I go to check if anyone is outside cause they usually bark when my parents or sister get home. But there is always no one there. I also look to see if someone or a dog is outside and again no one there. Usually my younger dog would stop barking, but my older dog that iv'e had since I was two would keep on barking. Eventually they wold both stop. I just wanted to know if there is some sort of entity or something that is trying to reach me. It also happens at night. My older dog would take rounds, as i call it, around the house every night. I hear her get up walk past my room, into the kitchen and back to her bed(my house is small). Is this something serious or are my dogs just weird.
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Re: Spirits?
Post # 2
My dog barks all the time. She barks at leaves, snails, grass, wind, dogs, cats, roosters, chickens, and anything. She often barks at things I cannot see, hear or smell however she can. this is what dogs do.
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Re: Spirits?
Post # 3

There's a high possible chance that there is nothing there. Dog often bark at the smallest movement, dogs sometimes bark just to gain you're attention. Much like how a rooster crows, or a hen cluck, dogs bark. Like it was said before, this is just somethings that they do. I wouldn't worry about it.

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