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Re: telepathy
Post # 11
I cant read minds however Im psychic and I know what people are going to do or what is going to happen to a person before it does, and also I can feel others emotions, even if its a stranger im standing next to in a line. I can see auras and even if people hide their emotions, I can still feel them. Its not mind reading, its sort of like "people reading" since I can easily read people, but thats as close as I can get.

Re: telepathy
Post # 12
I didn't know cause am new on site as well as a beginner and wished to do or learn such abilities and since I saw a lot of spells rated 5/5 and I got much excited hoping that will get such abilities. I really thank members for that knowledge you have given to me. I will ask before act.

Re: telepathy
Post # 13

Ouch. A very touchy subject this one is.

I would like to answer this, however I am doing this in a Neutral state, not claiming or disclaiming any of this.

Most people do not believe telepathy exists, and any of those who claim to have this gift get ridiculed beyond belief.

Then there are those who believe that it is real, and I am now going to be open to get ridiculed when I say, it may possibly be real. Because ( last time I checked ) we only understand like fifteen percent of our mind and also DNA. ( it may be more than that since it has been a while since I read up on that... but thats not the point ) We do not know everything in this world, and if we have powers like this, we cannot claim to say its fake, because in truth we do not know.

Basically I say there might be a chance it is really possible.

If people are going to tell me I am wrong, and this is fake etc. I will say Us witches and magick users are believed to be myths and stories. Yet here we are.

However I agree somewhat with everyone else, only on the topic of you are not going to learn telepathy by just casting a spell, that won't work.

Like my post or Hate my post, both shall work in my favor because if you hate me, I will be on your mind, If you like me I will be in your heart.

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