Enigmawolf's Profile

Member Info
Name: Enigmawolf
Birthday: Jan 11 2001
Location: Alaska, United States
Gender: Male
Last Seen: Tue, 17 Dec 2024
Membership: Contributor
Coven Title: Priest

Website: view

Personal Bio

I have been researching and studying magic for about 10 years, practicing when I could with what I could. I will help you with questions you have as best as I can or guide you in a direction to someone who could better help you. I am married to a loving husbandso any and all mail containing flirting or any advances of the sort will be ignored and promptly deleted. I do not offer tarot readings at all, do not ask me to do them for you.

I have been on this website for several years. When I am online I will be actively working on the coven and researching and hopefully contributing more to the community. I am the current High Priest of the Air Element. I have been away for some time due to personal reasons.

I will be cleaning up the Air Element while online and reading all applications as I get to them.
I can also be contacted on Discord: prof.enigma

If you have any questions or simply wish to chat, do not be afraid to send me an email, I do not bite.

Until the Stars align ~ Enigma