Alternative to Succubus?

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Alternative to Succubus?
Post # 1
Hi, I've been trying to research this for quite some time and don't worrying I'm not trying to summon anything but I'd like my curiosity sated. Now I can find pure physical beings like satyrs and centaurs but I've yet to find summon-able spirits or a alternative to a succubus/incubus that has good intentions or isn't evil and was wondering if anyone here with experience in these things could educate me if there is anything out there like I'm describing. Thanks in advance in case you can help me and I'm unable to respond.
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Re: Alternative to Succubus?
By: / Novice
Post # 2
This thread has been moved to Spiritual Creatures from Site Spells Discussion.
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Re: Alternative to Succubus?
By: / Novice
Post # 3
Odd as this might sound demons [and therefor succubus/incubus] aren't pure evil as public opinion would have you believe. They are powerful spiritual beings that will manipulate situations/people to get what they want, but they aren't pure evil. You can strike a mutual relationship with them, and from what I've heard most people who work with demons find succubus/incubus one of the easier ones to work with. I'm not saying you should, but if demons were cats the succubus would be the alley cat you're trying to befriend.

There are some great books on spirits and other spiritual beings you could get to help you in your reasearch [some posts are more detailed than others of course] the one I own is The Dictionary of Demons by Michelle Belanger and it does its job by providing details on the history and abilities [sometimes protection depending on how well known] of the entity but not the "how to summon" portion.
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Re: Alternative to Succubus?
Post # 4

Try dakinis. While they aren't quite succubuses entirely, they work a similar function, but as spiritual practitioners of tantra. Before I go on, I will give this notice that there are many types of dakinis and that they aren't all the same. While there may be worldly ones that can become pretty violent like mamos(female witch spirits), usually, you'll find in the tantras enlightened ones that are to personify or symbolize emptiness, death, bliss, or whatever. When they are in union as consorts, it is a symbolism of the union of death and time, or whatever symbolism there is out there(there are plenty). As such, don't just see the outerness, but what is the true meaning of the dakini. Hope this helps in a "benevolent succubus" you're trying to research on.

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