Anti-Magick Curse

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Anti-Magick Curse
Post # 1
Hello everyone
I'm relatively new here and I've been trying many of the spells on here, but to no avail..
I've seen others perform spells and seen them work, I've talked with people who know the art, I know it's not a lack of belief. And I can feel a massive surge of energy in me that I can't seem to use.
Is it not possible that I have some sort of lock or curse on me that prevents me from calling forth my magick? And if so, how can I get rid of/detect it?
In case that a curse sounds too unlikely, any idea of what the problem could be?
Thank you all in advance!
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Re: Anti-Magick Curse
Post # 2

Which spells have you been trying from this site, as some of them do not work, there may lie your answer. Learn how to direct and work with that energy, and build yourself a foundation upon which to work before you start casting spells, that would help greatly. This sounds more likely to me than a curse that prevents you from casting spells. A lotof people end up cursing themselves to be honest, lol.

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Re: Anti-Magick Curse
Post # 3
Zick Darkhaos, you are not cursed. You are just inexperienced and lacking magical skill and power. Magical skill and power can be developed. The best and most common way to do this is simply to keep practicing with spells that are suitable for beginners. You can also boost your magical powers with the right power spell or right force spell. You will become much more successful at spell casting if you cast a spell or follow the instructions of an article to gain or increase magical powers or become a witch or wizard.
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Re: Anti-Magick Curse
Post # 4
Thank you all for the advice!
I'm glad to know I was just being paranoid xD I'll keep practicing and hopefully get results soon.
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Re: Anti-Magick Curse
By: / Novice
Post # 5

The likelihood of you being cursed is a million to one, curses aren't something many people practice and even then the chance of you being cursed in this very specific way is very very slim.

The lack of results you are seeing from workings is likely because you are undertaking the wrong spells maybe even fake, impossible spells, and/or, you don't have the right foundation of knowledge yet and aren't able to put it into practice successfully. It's important to note as well that a huge quantity of the spells on this site are fake and written by those with no real knowledge of what can and cannot be achieved and how to undertake it successfully.

Ideally before you even attempt a spell or other magickal working you would want to have done a lot of research and a lot of practice with visualisation, energy workings, etc, so that when you start casting you are more likely to be successful.

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