Law of attraction

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Law of attraction
Post # 1
Hi, welcome to my post and today i will be typing about he law of attraction as stated in he title.

So the law of attraction is the ability to attract whatever we are thinking of Into our lives. It is believed that regardless of age,nationality or religious belief,we are Allah susceptible to the laws which govern the Univese.Including the Law Of Attraction.It is the Law Of Attraction that uses the power of the mind to translate whatever is in our thoughts and materialise them into reality.In basic terms,all thoughts turn into things eventually.If you focus on negative thoughts,you will be under that cloud.If you focus on positive thoughts and have goals that you aim to achieve,you will find a way to achieve them with action.

This is why the universe is such an infinitely beautiful place.The Law Of Attraction dictates that whatever can be imagined and held in the mind’s eye is achievable if you take action on a plan to get where you want be.

How do you use the Law Of Attraction to get what you want?
Relax your mind. Meditate for 5 to 10 minutes. Doing this will increase brain power and have your mind at that relaxed state. This step is optional but recommended.

Be sure about what you want and when you do decide please don't doubt yourself. Remember that you're sending a request to the Universe which is created by thoughts and therefore responds to thoughts. Know exactly what it is that you want. If you're not clear/sure, the Universe will get an unclear frequency and will send you unwanted results. So be sure it is something you have strong enthusiasm for.

Ask the Universe for it. Make your request. Send a picture of what you want to the Universe. The Universe will answer. See this thing as already yours. See How to Visualize. The more detailed your vision, the better. If you're wanting that Nintendo Wii, see yourself sitting down playing a game on it. See yourself feeling the controller, playing your favorite game(s), touching the console. If there's that person you have a crush on, see yourself walking with them, touching or caressing the person, or even kissing the person. You get the idea.

Write your wish down. Start with "I am so happy and grateful now that..." and finish the sentence (or paragraph) telling the Universe what it is that you want. Write it in the present tense as if you have it right now. Avoid negation terms (see Warnings for more on this). Every day until your wish comes true, close your eyes and imagine your desire as if it's happening right now and see your imagination turning more clearer.

Feel it. Feel the way you will now after receiving your wish. You must act, speak, and think as if you are receiving it now. This is actually the most important, powerful step in using the Law of Attraction because this is where it starts working, and sometimes if you do this you don't feel like you need it anymore because you feel like you already have it! Therefore, the universe will manifest this thought and feeling, and you will receive it.

Show gratitude. Write down all the things the Universe has given you. Be thankful for what you already have and be thankful for all the things the Universe has given you. The Universe has done a lot of things for us. Paying the Universe back with some gratitude will motivate the Universe to do even more things and will draw more things into your life. If you were once bullied and that person stopped, that's one thing to be thankful for. If the person you're crushing on likes you back, or doesn't but they didn't send their lover out to hurt you, that's another thing to thank the Universe for. You should also thank the Universe for this process too. Showing gratitude will turbo boost the Universe to manifest your request faster.

Trust the Universe. Imagine an alternate dimension that is almost exactly like the real world but whatever you truly desire comes true in an instant. See yourself in that dimension, where whatever you ask the Universe for comes to you in an instant. Don't look for what you asked for; this is where people tend to mess up. If you have to keep an eye out for an event that manifests your wish, it's only telling the Universe you don't have it, and you will attract not having it. Be patient. Don't get upset if these things don't happen immediately. Don't stress the "how" of things. Let the Universe do it for you. When you take the Universe's job of worrying about the "how", this says you lack faith and that you're telling the Universe what to do when the Universe has far greater knowledge and power than human mankind.

I got all these from several websites online and none of these are my own work

I hope all these work for you successfully and I am really sorry for not being active for so long as my exams were around and I had to study.Thank you for seeing my thread.

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Re: Law of attraction
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 2
This thread has been moved to Misc Topics from Welcome.
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Re: Law of attraction
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 3

If you are going to copy and paste information from other websites, please remember to name those websites and provide the URL's for them so we don't run into plagiarism issues.

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Re: Law of attraction
By: / Novice
Post # 4
not a bad post, but it sounds more like spell casting than Law of Attraction [which in a way the law is] a spell is more of a one and done thing where you would [similar to how you described] clear your mind and focus your energy [meditation is helpful but not necessary] visualize in great detail your desire, ask the universe for it, be sure of yourself and don't doubt your ability, then go out and work for it.

Law of Attraction can take on visualizing your goals [affirmations or vision boards usually go with Law of Attraction] but it's also a state of being, the belief that what you put out will be returned, that like attracts like. have you been dealing with a lot of grumpy people in your life? how do you present yourself to the world around you? do you smile, say hi, and hold doors open for people carrying bags? or do you keep your head down, scowl, and try to avoid contact with others? by simply smiling as you walk past people you should notice you feel better, at the very least you don't have as many 'you won't believe the terrible person i dealt with today' stories. i made a chart one month years ago, where for one week i acted normal and tallied the number of 'good', 'bad' and 'indifferent' experience i had, then i tried being nicer than normal and recording the result [at the time, i would avoid people like the plague. still don't like people, but i at least say hi when i pass them] and sure enough more good experiences [the first week was mostly indifferent] and i also noticed my mood was better than the previous week [it wasn't like i was miserable then on cloud nine, more content to jolly]

moving on with Law of Attraction work, returning a wallet might see a reward, or holding a door open might result in someone holding the elevator, when you want something. it's not so much spell work where we chant and light candles and then work for the goal. Law of Attraction is taking time every day to visualize your goal [you want that dream car, feel how awesome driving around will be. you want that house, visualize yourself in your home] after taking this time to pump yourself up [basically] you then go forward with the mindset of 'this is reality. i will be getting that promotion/date/parking spot' and knowing the universe will set everything in place for it to happen.

little goals like being on time, or finding your favourite spot free don't need much deep reflection, but when it comes to, say, 'i am loosing weight and will be my goal weight' you will need more reflection, as sometimes you'll discover the reason you're not attracting the results [weight loss in this case] is because your want isn't aligned with the need. you want weight loss, but really you need stability, or confidence, or to confront some other this instance you won't see much weight loss, but the universe will send you things needed to help stability, confidence, finance, love, whatever you're avoiding and telling yourself happiness is weight loss. so before choosing weight loss pintrest boards to look at for inspiration, maybe ask yourself why a ton of times. 'why do i want to loose weight? = because i don't like myself = why = because i'm fat = why = because i eat junk food = why = because i'm bored = why = because i don't have hobbies' and you discover what you really need is to find a fun activity or class you can do [say you discover you love rock climbing, you now have a hobby and a way to loose weight] so instead of weight loss through visualization, the universe will blow a flyer your way for a free class on monday nights, or your friend randomly texts you about a class they're interested in.

the Law of Attraction works but when you're ready, if you still have various blocks you'll either miss signs, or get few results, so it's best to do a bit of meditation and journaling before asking for a million dollars form the universe because you're really good at visualizing swimming in a pool full of money.
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