help end power spell

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help end power spell
Post # 1
So I did this spell to grant me more power and now I think I see and hear things because of it. Its almost like I see and hear dead people or spirits or demons. It sucks. They attach themselves to me, make me twitch, cause smells, make me feel like I'm getting touched, and it gets even worse when smoking weed. I dont know what else to do I'm desperate. They are getting really annoying. Doctors told me it was psychosis but none of the meds work. I know there's more to it and I need help. Please tell me if you know anything about reversing or breaking this curse
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Re: help end power spell
Post # 2
Do not break this spell. Accept your abilities to sense spirits as a gift.

If you do not want the spirits around you, then you may banish them with a spell. Look under the category, Spiritual Spells, under the subcategories, Banishing Spells, Binding Spells, Defense Spells, Energy Spells, Force Spells, Peace Spells, Power Spells, Protection Spells and/or Warding Off Spells for the spell or spells you want to get rid of the spirits with. It may be better to avoid casting contact spells than to cast contact spells, and it is definitely better to avoid casting conjuring spells and summon spells than to cast conjuring spells and summon spells.

It is also good to keep a container of dried black beans with you. If you place a line of black beans across the floor, minor spirits will have the inability to cross the line of black beans.

Another good idea is to get a small, tall bottle, fill it up with sand, and put the bottle of sand on your window sill. Then, a spirit will not be able to enter your home without first counting every grain of sand in the bottle.

Burning incense in your home also helps to ward off spirits like demons. You can even have incense burning all the time every day and/or night in your home if you really want to make sure that you are never harassed by spirits or demons. If you do, always keep the windows open.

Evil spirits are so scared of the pentagram that they can not even look at this ancient symbol. You can put images of the pentagram around your dwellings and wear a pentagram for protection.
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Re: help end power spell
Post # 3
It is good to be able to See spirits. I can See some too, but thats because my whole bloodline since my Great great grandfather practice magic. I myself shall not try it my father says because i could be scared oft the demons. But if you give Them presents or tributes they won't bother you anymore. I give them once a week fresh meat by burning it and asking Them to leave me alone. as long as i don't call them they won't come at me then. But remember that if you call one, you call them all. You can also make a contract with one of Them to store your power without that he uses it and only you are allowed to use it. Then you should be able to give enough power to the Demon/familliar and become 'blind' again.
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