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New to website
Post # 1
Cud u guys plz help with this website? As it is new for me....Hello to everyone in this coven
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Re: New to website
Post # 2
Also new to this coven, joining after a brief rest from my path - excited to get started again
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Re: New to website
Post # 3
I never rest from my path.

If you are a beginner, then try spells that are easy, and avoid spells that can backfire, especially avoiding spells that harm people. Spells that are intended to harm or curse people and other spells that can backfire are only for the experienced at magic.

When you are still inexperienced at magic, avoid love spells and ill health spells, but you can carefully try good health spells if they are not immortality or resurrection. Cast spiritual spells only if they are to protect you and/or others from harm; avoid all other spiritual spells. Illusion spells, invisibility spells and telekinetic spells are challenging and great to practice with, but avoid all other trick spells. When you are inexperienced at magic, wealth spells are okay to cast, but be careful with beauty spells. Good luck spells are good for beginners, but bad luck spells and misfortune spells are not. When making a wish, start with only small wishes, and do not wish for something bad to happen. Avoid life spells, unless they are also wealth spells or for making wishes you can handle making. Avoid weather spells and fantasy spells.

At first, try spells that do not require things that you do not already have, such as spells that require only chanting and visualization, for example. When you get a little experience, search for and obtain items needed for particular spells. When you get more experienced, your collection of magical items will increase.

Take precautions when in the process of casting a spell. For example, when burning something, such as a candle, do not accidentally set things a blaze. You may not want to cut yourself to draw blood, but if you do, use great caution, or risk the possibility of a medical emergency.

One of the items most often used in magical spells is candles. Most candle spells require a candle or candles of one or more specific color or colors; white is the most common, but when you get more experienced, you will find candle spells requiring candles of less common and more unusual and bizarre colors. Never cast a spell using a candle of the wrong color; this is magically dangerous and foolish.

Different colors of candles serve different purposes. White candles typically have the most different purposes and are also connected with the Moon and lunar protection. Red candles have strong and aggressive energy. Pink candles are the best for love magic when you are experienced enough for that. Burning green candles can get you money. Blue candles are highly protective and healing. Black candles, despite being hard to find, are used in many spells, both for casting curses and creating negative energy, and for protecting against curses and banishing negative energy. Do not cast curses or use negative energy, until you are experienced enough. This is just a very, very small summary of the different colors of candles and their uses.

When casting spells, always use all of the required correct ingredients in the spells, and always correctly follow all of the required directions in the spell, for most success of desired results and least danger of backfire. Never be lazy at casting spells, or the spells will fail and maybe even have undesirable effects.
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Re: New to website
Post # 4
Thank You!
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Re: New to website
Post # 5
Hello Rey and GEV!
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Re: New to website
Post # 6
You are welcome!
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