A newcomer has arrived.

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A newcomer has arrived.
Post # 1
He says hi.Well I am here ,mostly, because I need some way to combat what or who is in the woods it offers, power but asks for devotion, some times is good but most times presents itself as evil, I dont find it anywhere that aint around my neighborhood, you can´t set foot in this wood at night without feeling the evil, and can´t set foot at day, without feeling the peacefullness it gets after it was so fearfull, dont get me wrong anywhere else I have gone other forests it feels calm and happy even at night, but here wasn´t always like that, it was once always good even at night, now sometimes I hear screamings there, and sometimes it talks to me, the other reason I am here is to learn about myself, I want to know whats that state I enter when I am close to danger where my mind sharpens my agility increases, my endurances goes off the charts, and I see things I couldnt see before,I call it the wolf because its animalistic and scary, but even that can´t beat what´s in the woods and to be fair I am scared of it, well basically thats why I am here, thank you to let me be part of this place.
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Re: A newcomer has arrived.
Post # 2
This thread has been moved to Misc Topics from Introduce Yourself.
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