Amulet Cleansing

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Amulet Cleansing
Post # 1
So I am wondering if anyone has experienced weird energy i geuss you could call it from an amulet it was bought for protection an highten your six sense or abilities. I performed my own rituals to strength the amulets specific purposes but its has been a few years that ive had I also started charging it with my own energy but lately it does jus not feel the same it is filled with a mix of energies and my own I want to pull this energy out an recharge it but not sure how I should go about it I dont want to pull the mix energy into myself pretty much what im getting at.
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Re: Amulet Cleansing
Post # 2
Leaving it in moonlight during a full moon or leaving it near an open window in sunlight are a couple of ways to cleanse it. Another way is to use sage or sandalwood incense. I guess it all comes down to preference since there are so many ways to cleanse things - from salt baths to crystal cleansing.
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Re: Amulet Cleansing
Post # 3
Thanks I will try some of these and see the outcome have heard many different methods jus wasent sure.
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