
CovenNatural Magick ► Paranormal.
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Post # 1

In this thread I will post my research of the paranormal field along with some experiences. Feel free to ask any questions, I will be sure to answer them.

Re: Paranormal.
Post # 2
How is an exorcism made? ( Following the Christians way ).

Before the ritual, the priest checks if the person is indeed possessed.
Usually, there are 4 " basic " signs of possession: Domain over unknown languages, deep knowledge over a persons life, unnatural strength, the age it claims to be.

After the prieset determinates that the person is indeed possessed, the priest starts the ritual, that follows the book of Exorcism and another supplications published by the Vatican.

1- The exorcism should be performed on the low, in the person's own home or in an oratory, with the family's presence. If the victim presents unnatural strength, it should be tied down in a bed or chair. The place where the ritual is being performed, should have a crucifix and an image of the Virgin Mary.

2- The ritual begins with the priest sprinkling holy water. The water, sprinkled upon the victim and on the others, reminds the purification received from the baptism. Later on, the priest invites the other's to pray.

3- Now it's time for the prayers. The priest recites one or more psalms that praise the victory of Crist upon the Evil, and recites parts of the gospel. The next step, is to lay hands above the victim and read more words of faith.

4- The main prayer should not be forgotten, the Our Father, that everyone prays while holding each other's hands. The priest makes the sign of the Cross and blows upon the face of the victim, reading more prayers against the demon.

5- The " Formulas of the Exorcism " are the final prayers. There are two types: the deprecate, more " light ", and the imperative, used only in extreme cases. The ritual ends with the Thanksgiving chant, prayer and blessing.

6- After the prayer and the sprinkle of more Holy Water, the priest checks if the demon is out or not by the person's state: If she's calm and shows peace of spirit , sucess! If not, then new session should be taken.

Re: Paranormal.
Post # 3

13 Signs of Demonic Possession

  • Brutal personality & behavior changes
  • Agressive atittude for no reason & vioence against animals
  • Swear more than commun for that person
  • Aversion to religious objects
  • Self harm & nonexistent personal hygiene
  • Blackouts ( memory loss )
  • Knowledge in many languages ( out of the blue )
  • Change of eye color and shape
  • Change in the voice, multiple voices, knowing other's thoughts
  • Changes of Temperature
  • Electrical problems cause by the person's presence
  • Animals avoiding the person
  • Emotional attacks ( the person using what hurts you the most against you )

Re: Paranormal.
Post # 4
Voluntary Spirit Possession.

When a person(s) call upon a spirit or God to take over their bodies so the God/spirit can be able to speak ( temporarily ). They do rituals to creat a vessel between the person and the God/spirit, so the entity can take over their bodies for a as long as they'll need.
When that happens the person that got " possessed "normally doesn't remember a thing, and when the God/spirit speaks it doesn't sound at all like the person's normal voice. May also work by the " possessed " person receiving messages from the entity they are trying to reach out to. This is more likely to happen.
Such rituals are, although, hard to succeed.

Re: Paranormal.
Post # 5

Binding Spirits

When people have problems with spirits they immediately ask for help, and i see a lot of people saying " bind the spirit ". That's mistake number one.

When dealing with spirits, binding them is the last resource you should resort to.

Why, you ask?

Because binding spirits is not a job for unexperienced people. It's a job for those who have knowledge on both the paranormal and magick.
When you try to bind a spirit, you can't expect it to just sit back and watch you. It's a creature and like all creatures, it will try to defend itself. Be it by attacking you, most likely. Many things can go wrong when you get a spirit to that level of anger. I will say this many times, I do not advise anyone to bind a spirit.

Then what should i do?

You'll always hear me say this. Try to contact it! By contacting the spirit you can figure out what it wants and many other things. Spirits more often than you'd think, simply want something from you. Either to deliver you a message, do favors for them, etc. They are really missunderstood. But don't get me wrong, there are spirits that just want you to be hurt or in a negative state of mind. In these cases you should always try to protect yourself and do regular cleansings.
Why shouldn't i just bind it?

A lot of things can go wrong. You can fail and then get hurt, for example. It is not a job for unexperienced folks. You need to do your research and if you feel confident enough then sure, give it a try. But if you do your research than you know it's not advisable to bind it to something that can break.

I, personally , am against binding any kind of spirit.

When you bind a spirit, to a doll ( just an example ), it doesn't mean the spirit is actually powerless.One true example is the doll Annabelle.
They thought binding a spirit to a doll would solve all their problems, well it doesn't. It just makes the spirit get mad. The spirit as the same power, the only thing you're doing is containing it. Not allowing it to go somewhere else.

I'm against binding spirits because it doesn't allow them to move on, you're binding their soul to an object, like a bird and a cage. I never binded a spirit because I never had the need to, however if it's truly necessary, I won't hesitate.

But you really shouldn't go around and bind spirits at first sign of conflict.

If i can't bind it and don't want to contact it, what do i do?
Banish it: Try to just ask it to leave first. You'd be suprised of how many times this can actually work. However, if it doesn't, just banish it.
Banishing a spirit isn't something bad. It's a method of protection.
After banishing it, you should cleanse the area of where you did your method of banishment and yourself, to clear any energy that is left.

Final notes:

Do not be afraid when dealing with spirits. Spirits ( negative ones mostly ) feed off of negative energy and emotions like fear, anger, sadness, etc.. So just relax and trust yourself. You can do it.

Re: Paranormal.
Post # 6
The Witching Hour
By: Jaxies
Aug 13, 2017 Post # 1
Hello, fellow coven members! Jaxies here!
I just thought this would be an interesting topic to discuss, I believe I have not seen a post about it!
Anywho , for those who may ( or may not know ) the witching hour is known to be the most powerful time to connect with "evil forces " and cast curses, hexes, and to dosatanic rituals. The witching hour which is also known as the devil's hour happens between 3 am and 4 am . And I forgot which era but in a certain era if you were caught outside between 3 am or 4 am without a good reason you would besentenced to death.
Alright! So, I would like to know if any of you guys had any paranormal experiences during this time and what are your thoughts on the witching hour? And if you guys had any religious-stories that are based on the witching hour? Thanks for sharing! :D

Re: Paranormal.
Post # 7
Re: The Witching Hour
By: Agiel / Novice
Aug 13, 2017 Post # 2
It's considered the Devil's hour ( 3 am ) because it's the opposite of the hour of when Christ died , which was 3 pm , according to some sources.
Another sources says it's when the veil between the two worlds is thinner and therefor people are more vulnerable to being attacked by entities.
I don't agree with any of those sources, I see 3 am has any other hour. I don't think one's more vulnerable to anything. I think it's kind of a superstition.
I have had many paranormal experiences, mostly at night. Some at 3 am, some later and some earlier. I do think that, when people suffer from a paranormal experience and look at the clock and it strikes 3 am, that will just agravate because they were led to believe that's the hour of the devil, therefor it's a demon that's attacking them. That will only increase the fear and the chances of more things happening. That's why whenever I sense that something is about to happen I remain cool and steady and ready to " fight ".
Those are my opinions though.

Re: Paranormal.
Post # 8
Re: The Witching Hour
By: SilentSyren / Novice
Aug 13, 2017 Post # 3
I agree strongly with what Agiel has said. I think a great deal of it is psycological. Like for example in regards to astral projection, they say not to think negatively because if you think bad things will're gonna have a bad time, mmkay? However, I do feel most of my spirit related experiences do happen at night.
I do however have many rational reasons for this. At night, things are quieter. So it becomes easier to hear the spirit, focus, and hone in on them. You can more easily get into a meditative or trance like state. Which is why I go to parks when it gets to be late night when they are techinally closed because I'm a badass like that. #ThugLyfe
Even at home growing up, it was usually at night because that is when my father would go to work or everyone in the house was asleep. In the dark when things are quiet and no eletronics are able to distract me, it is easier to get my attention. I can feel them walking on the bed or hear them running on my roof, tapping on my window, etc. One liked to play with the lights as I showered. When I got frightened and asked him to stop he did. It was rarely malicious. Most were just very friendly and wanting attention and companionship.
Also, when I am asleep a few times I have had what is known as sleep paralysis. I get into the state of not completely awake or asleep. Where I see, feel, and hear things very clearly. I full on conversate like everything is normal. As if I was talking to another living human face to face. My eyes are closed but I'm awake enough to know what is going on and remember everything perfectly when I wake up. So being at night makes sense for several reasons.
Even when doing spiritwork, if it is outside I would recomend doing it at night. As with any ritual, you want to do it when you are unlikely to be disturbed by others. And as I said earlier, psycological influences do play into things. Like as an example, when working with Artemis since she is a moon goddess of the hunt whom has a band Okeanid Nymphai perhaps doing a ritual for her in a forest near a body or water in the moon light would be well recieved.

Re: Paranormal.
Post # 9
Re: The Witching Hour
By: Jaxies
Aug 14, 2017 Post # 4
Thank you two for sharing! And I thought Christ died between 3am and 4am not 3pm so that was something new I learned! Thanks! :D
@Syren, That's horrible! Yea,sleep paralysis are not fun! Do you know how to stop them or make them occur less?I forgot who told me but if I remember correctly someone said sleeping on back or side will lower the chances of them happening!

Re: Paranormal.
Post # 10
Re: The Witching Hour
By: SilentSyren / Novice
Aug 14, 2017 Post # 5
It's sleeping on your back that makes them more likely to happen. I have a pretty accurate doccumentary I'll dig up. It better explains it. It's also a pretty accurate account of what happened to me when I was under sleep paralysis. So I can attest to the accuracy as I have personally experienced what they are talking about.


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