
CovenSpell Casters ► Auras
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Post # 1
Does anyone know why my aura is black. Am I bad at heart or something. Please, if anyone can help me with this, respond.
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Re: Auras
By: / Beginner
Post # 2

It doesn't necessarily need to be that you're bad. Maybe you're just holding onto some negative feelings which are affecting you and your aura.

I guess you can search different sites and even articles here about the different colors of auras and what they mean.

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Re: Auras
Post # 3
Thanks for the tip
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Re: Auras
Post # 4
It may not even be black. I can't tell certain colors apart. I did this years ago
Part 1 Aura
Aura seeing practice.
All things have auras and almost anyone can see them. Many people have seen auras at one point or another; however they likely didn’t recognize it as such. Have you ever been watching the television when you’re tired and seen some black radiating from the screen or driven down the road on a hot day and seen a haze radiating from the pavement? This is no different than seeing auras and you saw the energy or aura radiating off the television or roadway.
One of the most effective methods for beginning to see auras appears to be looking at an item in front of a plain background. If you wish to view your own aura, try getting a plain piece of typing paper and placing your hand on it. If you are trying to view another’s aura, try having the person sit or stand in front of a white wall. It’s generally a good idea to begin by using the paper and hand method as it will allow you all the time you may need.
One thing you should consider is the amount of light in the place you’re going to begin practicing to see your aura. Often times, people prefer to use natural sunlight. I would try to refrain from allowing direct sunlight hit the paper as it could give off a glow of its own. Regular sunlight coming through a blind will work fine. If there is a shadow or dim light in your practice area, it could distort the image making the aura harder to detect.
If using your hand on a blank piece of paper set your hand in a comfortable position on the paper and let your body relax. Begin to gaze or stare at your hand. Often times it’s helpful to look toward the tips of your fingers as the edges against the backdrop will show color easier. Let your eyes fall out of focus while gazing. The first thing you’re likely to see is a haze surrounding your hand often at the very edges.
Providing you don’t try to look directly at the color that appears, you could begin to see a white band, though some people begin to see actual colors.

Aura practice
Some people find it helpful to place a candle in front of a white piece of paper and sit in a darkened room.

What is an Aura?
The aura is the electromagnetic field that surrounds the human body as well as every organism in the Universe itself. The human electromagnetic field is also referred to as human energy field, auric egg, or of course Aura. Some spiritual groups link the Aura with the astral body and or consider it the subtle body.
The electromagnetic energies or aura surrounding a person have different densities that come out from the body. In a healthy person, the energy field will appear to be the shape of an egg surrounding the body. This gives reason why the aura is sometimes called the auric egg. The energy extends between two to three feet from the body beginning at the base of a person’s feet and extending into the earth and ending above the persons head two to three feet into the air.
Some believe the halos found in ancient pictures could have been a person’s perception of an aura. Halos are also considered a disturbance in the perceptional ability of someone that is experiencing a migraine or seizure.
The seven layers of the human aura.
Physical body Not really a layer (which at times may emanate light of the sole/light body etc. not considered a layer), then Etheric (lower aspect) , emotional (lower emotional aspect), then mental (lower mental) , Arterial layer then Etheric template (higher physical aspect) , then celestial (emotional aspect) and last ketheric layer (mental aspect).
Some people can draw a link between the seven layers of the human aura and the seven chakra points. Each layer (also called subtle body, auric body, or levels) of the human aura has its own frequency which is interrelated to the other layers. Each layer is said to affect a person’s emotions, thinking, behavior as well as the persons health in general. Given this theory, should one of the layers be in a state of imbalance, the layers surrounding the imbalanced layer will also become imbalanced.
Aura Layers
1) The first layer located closest to the body, represents the physical and relates to physical comfort, health, and pleasure.
2) The second layer represents the Etheric and relates to respect, acceptance, and love when pertaining to one’s self image.
3) The third layer represents the emotional and relates to the rational mind and ability to understand situations in a clear, linear, rational way.
4) The fourth layer represents the Astral and emotional and relates to interactions with friends and family.
5) The fifth layer represents the Divine (also called Lower mental) divine will within a person and the ability to align with and use the Divine will.
6) The sixth layer represents Divine love and even ecstasy on a spiritual level (also called Higher mental).
7) The seventh layer represents the Spiritual and intuitive and relates to being connected with the higher Divine in one’s mind and have a greater understanding of the universe.
Part 2 Theories of aura
‘Tis not uncommon for people to have different meanings regarding the color of the Aura nor its representation. All in all, the color correspondences pretty much relate to the same correspondences as one would recall from candle color magick. As with candle color magick, if one believes the color has different meaning, one should use that meaning to identify the correspondence with. Some people are color blind and may see Greene as Orange; other people have difficulty differentiating between Indigo, black and cretin shades of blue. Remember color is made by light reflecting off an object, and then being captured by the person’s eye. Many people can interpret the color in varying degrees, especially if one requires glasses.
Aura via. “true nature”
Some people hypothesize the Aura is a reflection of one’s “true nature” at any given moment. What is meant by this statement is that our society in general holds and emphasizes different cultural norms depending upon where you are located and what the culture has defined as appropriate societal norms. Think about this for a bit. In general, from around the middle of the middle class spectrum continuing to the upper class society people seldom swear. They don’t tell people off (or you get people such as my-self that tell others off using large words the person has likely never heard of before and unless the person is highly intelligent, the person will not understand how you put them in their place, only that you did it and they don’t understand how to respond. Example; you get hit on by a guy that isn’t very intelligent. You have continuously turned down and you have had enough. Try telling him you just can’t go out with a guy that doesn’t know how to properly conjugate a verb. *after you have been nice about it for a long time).
Yet, I digress. In some situations society frowns on free will pushing conformity. (Neither is a bad thing if it is balanced) Kids learn in school the things the government believes children should know. (How many times have you used Pie R square since you have been out of school?) True nature is when we get rid of the social norms and superficial behaviors becoming conscious of our natural spontaneous state. I believe both are important. Obviously we wouldn’t want someone spontaneously going to the bathroom in the middle of the conveyance store. Given aura colors change your true thoughts and or feelings can show through, unless you’re cloaking your energy. The Etheric spirit or body appears to be the color that does not change. It may appear on your skin instead of the surroundings. When I first saw my sole/ Etheric body etc., I couldn’t understand why there was gold on my face. I don’t consider myself a very spiritual person and my brightest color of my aura is usually Indigo. After much research, I theorized people are seeing their sole/light body/Etheric body on their skin. I believe this is the color people are speaking of when they state the aura color stays the same. Anyway to some extent this notion is true.

Part 3, Aura pairs, overlays, and clear v. dirty
Colorful, clean, bright
In general, if a person has a clean, bright and colorful aura, the person is likely to be spiritually advanced. It has also been noted the more even the energy distribution is in ones auras, the more balanced and healthier the person likely is.

In most cases, people can have one or two colors that are dominating there aura. Two dominating colors are usually called auric pairs and are usually the person’s favorite colors. The aura can also reflect ones judgment, emotions and desires. Some of these things may appear similar to flashes, clouds or flames, around the head reign only a bit farther away.

Colors and Auric Pairs

The quick and simple version; each color has an energy field. I could go into in-depth scientific information, but why bother. If you wish to know about the light spectrum, you may Google it. If you are wearing a red shirt, your aura will appear turquoise, while if you were wearing a turquoise shirt, your aura color would be red. This is not the persons energy field, but the energy field of the clothing.
orange gives blue aura, blue gives orange aura
yellow gives violet aura, violet gives yellow aura
green gives pink aura, pink gives green aura
Aura pares differ from complimentary pairs, the color wheel as well as color spaces.

Aura overlays;
Overlays usually occur in abuse situations.
Red overlay is due to mental, emotional or physical abuse or neglect. Low self image and insecurities are common of this color.
Dirty Brown overlay: Holding on to emotional energies. Represents insecurity.
Dirty Gray overlay: Represents blocking and guardedness.

Part 4, Aura colors found in the human body and personality inventory.
The gold aura color is the most recent aura color to be noticed; therefore little is known of this personality type. Some see this color as being highly spiritual people with an artistic flair and a fondness for being the center of attention, while others view them as highly spiritual and picking up where the indigo color left off.
Most people of this color are said to be caring, but hate to be criticized.
Have you ever heard of the lady in red? Reds are said to be physical/sexual people that express themselves through sensuality and their physical bodies. They are said to be self confidant, show strength, and courage.
Reds are said to live in the physical reality where there five senses can confirm their thoughts pertaining to their environment. Reds are said to not think in the abstract and be literal thinkers without complication, things tend to be as they are although some proof is needed to prove an existence.
Appear to be thrill-seekers that love challenges, excitement, physical danger, and surpass most acceptable physical limits. It is said Oranges put themselves in danger in order to feel alive and satisfied. They love to challenge their environment going beyond any accepted limits.

Magentas are alleged to be rare, free spirited nonconformists that enjoy living in large cities. They are perceived as bizarre loners who are attracted to the strange things of the world with little to no regard to spirituality, environmental, or humanitarian concerns. They are said to disregard society's standards giving way to the expression walk to the beat of a different drummer.

Magentas are said to enjoy shocking people, to shake them from their ordinary lives by use of colored hair and loud clothing.
Some theorists speculate this aura color may not always mean to shock people and try to fit in while expressing their individuality. It is also noted what appears shocking to one person is not perceived as such by others.

Yellows are said to be fun loving, spontaneous, sensitive, optimistic, free-spirited, energetic, people with childlike personalities who enjoy life. There alleged purpose is to bring joy to others and help heal humanity and the planet on hole.

Yellows appear to be more interested in creative work opposed to physical labor. They are said to love nature and are environmentally concerned
Abstract tan is described as being child like, curious, outgoing, unique, friendly and smart people. They are said to generally have high energy and do things out of chronological order with scattered and sometimes random thoughts and actions that that resemble people with ADHD. They are said to be forgetful, disorganized, change from one thing to the next quickly without always completing a previous task as would correlate to ADD or ADHD.
This color is said to be the color of an Environmental Tan person. This color aura is said to prefer to physically touch things in their environment then logically analyze it. this color is said to crave security, stability, structure, discipline, rules, boundaries, logical thinking and outcomes. They are said to process things in a chronological order and be intuitive in regard to special awareness with some being able to sense exact distance.
People of this aura color are considered logical tans and are said to prefer analyzing, conduct things in a chronological order, avoid being rushed, think logically and generally show a high degree of restraint regarding their thoughts and emotions.
This type of person is said to like a stable foundation, reliability, predictability, structure, stability and performs best with orderly habit forming methods. When this color has to adjust to a new routine it can be extremely difficult and cause tremendous stress. It is said the simple act of moving something in a home can be enough to through this aura group off.
Greens are said to be powerful, quick thinkers in the mundane world that find patterns and solutions quickly with the ability to accomplish many things. There said to be intelligent with the ability to process ideas and information quickly leaving out what they believe to be unimportant steps in a project. People of Greene aura color are said to have good organizational skills and are able to develop well formatted plans and ideas, however like to leave others in charge of the fine details.
It is said that greens are drawn to money, power, and business having similar associations with the use of a Greene candle color in Magick. It has been stated Greens are very efficient and are generally seen as competitive workaholics, striving to achieve and even over achieve. This type is seen as being strong willed, liking physical challenges, and have risk taking behavior associated with money, not physical danger.
Some greens can be perceived as arrogant as people are seldom able to win an argument with them and Greens tend to believe there way of doing something is the only rite and true way of doing it.

Crystal is said to be a rare Aura Color. Crystals are said to be sensitive to others emotions, have small fragile physical bodies, and have a unique ability to change the color of their aura at will in order to match the color of the aura colors around them. When the Crystal changes the aura color, the Crystals behavior pattern, thoughts, and emotions are said to change as well. This ability can in able a crystal to get along well with others, but can lead some professionals to consider mental illnesses such as Bi polar disorder based on the inconsistence of the behaviors.
Crystals are said to be natural healers although are limited to one person at a time. If there are too many people a crystal can become confused and or overwhelmed.

Blues are said to be caring, loving, nurturing, supportive, people that let their heart guide there life and emotions. The blue personality type is said to be concerned mainly with spirituality, love, and relationships. Blues are said to be emotionally sensitive and can cry if they are angry, scared, happy and at times for no reason at all.
People with Blue Aura/personality traits are said to have a purpose on the planet which includes teaching love, but many are said to be drawn to careers in counseling, teaching, and nursing.
Violets are said to be inspirational visionaries, leaders, and teachers with magnetic personalities.
Like some of the other Aura/personality colors, violets are said to be on earth to help save the planet by improving environmental issues that affect people animals and the planet as a whole, as well as peoples quality of life.
It is said, Violets have a similar inner sense as the Indigo in feeling there is a purpose for there being here. Some believe Violets feel their destiny is greater than the average person and have believed this since childhood.
It is though some Violets where taught their dreams and goals were unrealistic and it caused them to lose touch with their purpose which caused them to feel un fulfilled.

The lavender aura color symbolizes one who enjoys fantasy, enchantment, myths, even fairies and angles. This is said to be the color of a dreamer who prefers fantasy over reality.
Lavenders are said to be unreliable and irresponsible with little to know care for obtaining money. This type of color seldom accomplishes anything in life and are said to lack the ideas time, space and physical matter which makes some professionals question if they have psychological issues creating the lack of orientation.
* Please note, Indigo color and Indigo people are two different things.*
First let’s discuss the color representation.
There is a lot of controversy surrounding the Indigo aura color as people continually appear to want to write books about them so they can profit off of what many Indigoes state are lies. Some people allege they are sent to usher in a new age of peace and harmony while many indigo people say the allegation is false. Some people claim indigoes are here to live as examples of a new higher awareness, but many people of the Indigo aura appear to find this information offensive and inaccurate.
Many Indigos have been described as honest, aware, highly intuitive or they know things, independent, fearless, strong-willed, assertive, have more than one ability, have a higher level of energy, are generally spiritual, having knowledge of past lives, sensitive to the emotions of others, and a key trait is there fighting spirit.
A second type of Indigo has been labeled in recent years and appears to have similar traits as the first although they do acknowledge having fear however it does not stop them, appear more sensitive to their surroundings, have higher spiritual frequencies, and have a higher awareness of possible past lives.
Indigo People
Indigo people are said to be old souls who know who they are, where they come from and generally where they are going. This person does have Indigo in the aura and are noted for dressing androgynous.
Some professionals perceive the indigoes ability to “know” future information bizarre until after a prediction occurs. After a prediction occurs, people question how the Indigo knew and appear frustrated when the indigo replies by saying “I just did”. Some professionals question autism and or dyslexia as a reason for the indigoes honesty and inability to appropriately curb their responses, however most fall on the very low end of the autism spectrum around Aspersers.
The key characteristic of the Indigo person is that they have old wise eyes which separate them from others. Many people give many more characteristics, but they only lead to confusion between indigo color and the actual indigo person. A last tid-bit in this area, I must say I am likely one of the true Indigo people and I never had ADD. I do have what has been called the old wise eyes (never understood when I was young what people were talking about though), I am intuitive and speak of future events as I just know things, and I got decent grades in school. I will also say, both my siblings have the wise eyes, are intelligent, one more than the other is intuitive, and none of us have had ADD. Does the Indigo line run in my family? I don’t know, I have never heard of it, but it could be.
Stopped Dec 9, 2014
Part 5, Matching your aura with your environment
It is theorized when we match the Aura of our clothing with that of the energies our bodies naturally emanate it creates a state of harmony. Think for a second about the favorite shirt you have or favorite jeans. Think of the clothing you like to weir on your day off. What color is it? This is likely the color of your aura. My favorite style is a pair of boys (there the only one that fit rite) green and black hunting camouflage shorts and a sporty blue old navy shirt that is clearly too big for me. I also inherited a men’s thermo camouflage top that I like. This androgynous means of dressing does correspond with the Indigo color even though it is not Indigo.
Aside from the above which I am the only one that seems to see it that way, there are said to be 3 techniques for matching you Aura with surroundings:
Color coded strong points.
The color information above that you relate to the most is likely your strong points and your aura likely has a great deal of the color. Some people match their clothing and surroundings to the color of their strong points for a form of positive stimulation. Some theorists believe using colors from auric pairs also aids in the stimulation.
Matching thought colors with your surroundings is thought to be helpful. Using this theory, if one wanted to relax, one may use the color blue as blue represents relaxation. I find this theory valid to an extent. If you walk outside on a warm summer day and see a clear blue sky, it usually makes people feel better. Should the sky be gray or a mixture of black clouds, one is likely to feel bad.
Distribution of color surrounding the body is a new manner of altering ones aura. This method uses all the clean colors of the rainbow to stimulate all the colors in a person. Chakra Shirts are said to have good results with the aura field. Some people follow the Korotkov theories with the Chakra shirt practice and consider it a part of “bioenergy” study. My theory is people tend to make up large words to promote a study of something that a child would understand. That said on to suppressing ones aura.
Suppression of the aura.
Emotional issues such as Anxiety, stress, anger and hatred can cloud ones aura. Physical and biological issues can also suppress ones aura as well as the colors of clothing if the color clashes with the persons aura color.
Purposefully clocking your Aura (sort of).
I tried this and it took a very long time to wear off. Many practitioners cloak or shield themselves. This is usually considered a way to avoid attack. Some people (Yes, I am frequently one of those people) use the cloak to go unnoticed in the Magickal community. If you sit in a quiet place and relax the best you can (you don’t have to relax much, I’m never relaxed and I can use the shield any time I want.) See the energy around you, breath it in and out, then in and out, then on the third try see your energy you are blowing out turn clear or to another color signature if you chose.
Friendly word of warning. While this method is very effective and I encourage people to practice it, you should generally not find yourself needing to use it in defense. I find if your nice to people that are practitioners, they are generally nice to you. I also find unless you’re really good at the arts, if you really anger someone enough for them to cast on you or manipulate your energy, this shield will only hold for a little while.
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