TWolf257's Profile

Member Info
Name: TWolf257
Location: In the woods
Gender: Male
Last Seen: Wed, 03 Oct 2018
Membership: Member

Personal Bio
Some odd things about me:
I love dragons and wolves and have always been a bit of a pyro.
I'm allergic to certain metals in high amounts.
My favorite color is silver or black.
I own just about any point-type weapon you could think of.
I have only recently gotten into the world of magick, or I could say that I was re-introduced to it. I was really into it when I was younger, but nothing ever happend.
I am more into elemental magick than rituals. I know this might come off as odd as elemental magick is commonly used for ritual purposes, but I just want to have a control of certain elements. I consider myself a fire-type.
I am also looking into Dragon magick and telekinetic spells.
Also, my natural aura is black. I don't understand it.
If you have advise or just want to discuss something just message me.