Personal Happiness/Money

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Personal Happiness/Money
Post # 1

Hello everyone, I've been doing some research on what spiritual things I could use to make myself happier and also to attract more money to myself. I've been having a lot of trouble in my life lately. Struggling with my job as well as my self-esteem and depression. Usually I can make myself feel a bit better by using gemstones to feel happy and clear my head such as clear quartz, rose quartz, and amethyst, etc. I am reaching out about my depression in other ways as well, but I would like to ask if anyone had any tips on things I could do/use (gemstones, herbs, etc) to gain more personal happiness.

On top of that, I also would like to ask if anyone had any spells/rituals or anything of the sort regarding money. Anything to attract even just a little bit more to me. I've seen many spells for this but they don't seem too reliable. Maybe if I could have a been of luck on my side for the lottery! :)

Thank you for your time!

Re: Personal Happiness/Money
Post # 2

For depression I recomend meditation with rose quartz and a pink candle. You're probably already seeking therapy and psych pills if needed. Other things you can do is think about what fields your self esteem is low in and do something positive about it. Like if you don't feel pretty maybe try doing at least a little make up daily and maybe doing your hair. See how you feel when you put in the self care. It sounds silly, but it really can help the way you see yourself. If you feel dumb, think of the fields you feel unintellegent and and work to change that. If there are any particular fields you want resources in, I'd be happy to help if I can!

As for money troubles, you do of course have to be putting yourself out there and looking for oppurtunities. But with the mundane covered spells can totally help! Winning the lottery is unlikely. Spells increase your chances of something already likely to happen happening. There has to be a window in the first place. But for a better job oppurtunity, maybe finding a little money on the street, doing some chores for your parents that they pay you for, etc. That is much more likely. Things that can help with money are things like green, gold, or silver candles as they represent different kinds of currency and wealth. You can coat your candle in honey and sugar to sweeten it too. Think of the expression, "you attract more flies with honey than vinegar".

Citrine is a great stone for wealth.Patchouli is also very good for wealth. You can burn the herb in a spell, put some dried in a sachet with a piece of citrine and carry it in your purse, or use the essential oil to dress your candle with. Citrine is also good for helping cleanse negative energy, bring joy and helps increase self esteem. I hope all this helps you! I apologize for taking so long to reply. I wish you nothing but the best and hope your situation improves at light speed! :)



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