DINOSAURS in Wiccan terms

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Re: DINOSAURS in Wiccan terms
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 6

Dinosaurs have absolutely nothing to do with Wicca.

Yes, most of us believe that dinosaurs existed and that they are no longer on this earth. They went extinct some 65 million years ago. Just because we're Wiccan doesn't mean that we discount scientific evidence.

It is entirely possible that the idea of dragons came about when our distant ancestors found the bones of dinosaurs, and, not knowing what they were, made up stories about them being dragons.

In my personal opinion, a dinosaur bone has no magical power of any sort.

Re: DINOSAURS in Wiccan terms
By: / Novice
Post # 7

Just something to remember when talking about fossils: They are not bones. They were once bones but underwent mineral and chemical changes over millions of years.

Basically, the bone minerals become replaced by rock minerals. So fossils are technically rocks, not bone. (This is an oversimplification of the fossilization process).

I have fossils, but I've never used them for magical practices (and they're not dinosaur fossils. Most are fossilized shark teeth and small marine animals). It would be extremely difficult to use dinosaur fossils for magic. Most are kept in a museum, are expensive, and are hard to find.

As for your question if they're still around: Technically, yes. Birds are descendants of dinosaurs. They are more closely related to dinosaurs than reptiles are! So, if you want to see a dino, I suggest looking at predatory birds such as Hawks and Eagles.

In general, dinosaurs don't really have anything to do with Wicca. As Bandjunkie said, they are more scientifical than spiritual/magical.

Re: DINOSAURS in Wiccan terms
Post # 8
Oh Yes I know all about that kind of stuff as Paleontology and paleobiology is my hobby but I just wanted to make sure on what Wiccans views on them would be and their history. I mean I could speak for ancient fossils being the source of Dragons but I meant because my father actually has came in contact with an Asian eastern dragon.

I should have said non Avian dinosaurs, Which Ironicly I could say I mean ancient Saurischia and Ornithischia.

Re: DINOSAURS in Wiccan terms
Post # 9
Actually what you are thinking of are marine reptiles which did live during the Mesozoic era but where not related to the dinosaurs. And Pterosaurus which are the flying reptiles are archosaurs like dinosaurs at least from what we can guess but once again they are not dinosaurs.

But thank you for your opinion!

Re: DINOSAURS in Wiccan terms
Post # 10
What do you mean they have nothing to do with Wicca? If Wiccan belief systems are true than dinosaurs as a family of creatures hae some kind of role. And I don't just mean using their Fossil rock remains as magic I mean as like did they as creatures influence us in any way/family crests/living dinosaurs as mythological animals/ did they use any kind of natural magic they had in their every day lives and such. It's hard to explain what I mean but another question I have is, did magic exist when they were around or do humans just use it?

Re: DINOSAURS in Wiccan terms
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 11

Dinosaurs died out 65 million years ago. Wicca is only 70 years old. There is nothing in the beliefs and practices of Wicca that has anything to do with dinosaurs. Yes, they were living animals once upon a time, but they were gone so long before Wicca as to make them immaterial to the Wiccan religion

Re: DINOSAURS in Wiccan terms
By: / Novice
Post # 12
I have heard of people using the different Dinosaur species as totem animals or ancestral guides. :)

Re: DINOSAURS in Wiccan terms
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 13

True, Conureherd. However that is a matter of personal preference. Not all Wiccans work with spirit animals. So it isn't something one could say is part of Wiccan practice, just something anyone, including Wiccans, might choose to do.

Re: DINOSAURS in Wiccan terms
Post # 14
Wicca was started in the 50's by Gerald Gardner, It is not as old as Witchcraft. Dinosaurs did exist but they are not Dragons. Dragons are mythical.
Bones are used in Witchcraft, sometimes for Divination or Ancestor worship.
I do not believe that Dinosaur Bones hold any power, however Fetishes made from bone or Ivory made in the Stone Age do hold power. Mostly for a successful hunt.

Re: DINOSAURS in Wiccan terms
Post # 15
OK, Thank you

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