
CovenNatural Magick ► Herbs.
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Post # 1

Hello, fellow coven members. Jaxies here!

Does anyone know herbs that can improve your nails and hair growth ?

Also, what's your favorite herb ? I would love to know .

Blessed Be.


Re: Herbs.
Post # 2

For nail growth I highly recomend green tea nail polish. You can find it at Walgreens, CVS, and probably Walmart, that and online of course. It helps with growth and health of nails. It helps me a lot as I use it personally. I get in grown nails frequently so it helps reduce that a lot. The noticable difference in appearance is a bonus too. It is just a clear coat so in case you were worried about looking "unmanly" not all guys care but it's worth mentioning just in case.


For hair I would suggest trying Rosemary.

"Rosemary has been used for hundreds of years to help aid in hair loss. It is great to use on thinning hair and balding. It best works for hair growth when it is used with olive oil. Combine rosemary oil mixed with a bit of olive oil and apply directly to the scalp. Not only does it promote hair growth, but also helps to prevent hair from going prematurely grey. It is excellent for giving hair follicles the nourishment they need."



I also like it because of the woman ruling tidbit, Aphrodite, and Hebe part lol. That and it aiding in dream work. You can also braid some into your hair to help with memory which can help in like school work and other scholarly persuits.

In the second link it also mentions aloe but I personally prefer both that and lemon for my face. Aloe vera helps keep away acne, helps with undereye bags, helps stay youthful. Lemon is a natural skin lightener. Just like a little lemon juice. I do recomend if you use lemon to wait a few minutes before going outside into the sun light. Just like wait until it dries type deal.

Another good one for under eye bags is using cold tea bags. As for which herb is my favorite I'd have to say bay laurel. It is a staple of my practice and it reminds me of Apollo. That and verbana/vervain are two traditional ways of cleansing in the Hellenic faith. Bay leaves can also be used for wish spells, be added to dream pillows, be used in kitchen witchery, etc.






Re: Herbs.
Post # 3

Hello, Jaxies here!

Thank you ! I need to order because I would realy like if my nails got longer.

Also, I been wanting to do the tea bags but I never knew how I have started to get bags under my eyes so this will help big time!

Blessed Be.


Re: Herbs.
By: / Beginner
Post # 4

Hi Jaxies

Selenium and Vitamine E are good for nails and hair growth.

So you could actually prepare a oil treatment with Bresil nuts oil and almond oil to put on your nails.

And I also love olive oil for multiple purposes.

I kow this arn't herbs though ... But They are quite usefull :)

Fleurance Nature does a lot of biological products that are made out of herbs, essential oils that are great for muliple purposes (in form of tablets, essential oils, ...).

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