Spirit talking to me?

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Spirit talking to me?
Post # 1

Hello, Jaxies here ! It wouldn't let me write the title, I wanted to put " Is a spirit trying to connect with me? " but I couldn't, oh well.

Okay, so, sometimes at night I see things by the conor of by ey e and when I look it nothing but when I face forward I sorta see it again. And, when stuff like my charger or my phone goes missing it just reappearslike when my phone went missing I was asking my family have you seen it they all said no and when all of studden my phone was by my computer same thing with my charger. Please, keep in mind I check every spot to find it and nothing and it justreappears by my computer.

So, Is a spirit trying to connect with me? Or help me out?



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Re: Spirit talking to me?
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 2
This thread has been moved to Spiritual Creatures from Misc Topics.
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Re: Spirit talking to me?
By: / Novice
Post # 3

It's possible that there's a spirit around you. I have similar things happen to me. Sometimes I'm just tired and seeing things; that doesn't always seem to be the case though. Usually for me, they are just passing through and don't really care to communicate. If you want to try and communicate with them though, there is usually no harm in that.

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Re: Spirit talking to me?
Post # 4

Spirits are complex creatures to say the least. It is possible that there is a spiritual presence around you. There are manny different kinds and types of spirits. From what you've described it looks like it wants your attention to - possibly - warn you about something, rather than to have a negative impact on you.

You should be careful, though, like i've said, spirits are complex creatures and many of them will just try to mess with you. Try to communicate - safely - with it if possible. If nothing bad has yet to happen - Feeling scared, nightmares, unexplainable sensations/vibes, etc.. - then it most likely wants you to notice it, for some reason.

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Re: Spirit talking to me?
Post # 5

Well, sometimes I do get this bad vibe and a scared feeling. But, then again I get scared fast. I wonder if SoM has any spells where I can connect with the spirit ...

Thanks guys so much, I am going to do more research on what's been going on.


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Re: Spirit talking to me?
By: / Novice
Post # 6

It's perfectly understandable that you get a little scared. Heck I even get a little jumpy when I'm around spirits I don't have a good read on. It doesn't sound like the spirit is malevolent, more mischievous, so I don't think you need to banish the spirit from your home unless it's bothering you. I think the best thing you can do is to verbally recognize you. You've recognized there is a spirit in your home already, but they can't read your mind. If you verbally state you are aware of their presence and that you're okay with them so long as they don't cause trouble, it can kinda help with the bad vibes. For all the spirit knows, you can feel them but you can't see or talk to them or otherwise take note of their presence. Try to interact with them quietly and remain calm when they're around. If this spirit becomes a problem and you need to remove it from your home, you're welcome to message me for a technique that will banish a negative entity/spirit.

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Re: Spirit talking to me?
Post # 7

Thank you so much, If I feel like I need the spirit spell I will message you!


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