Exp. Trancers

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Exp. Trancers
By: / Novice
Post # 1

Hey guys, Div here. It's been awhile since I've done any real trancing or anything similar unless you count deep meditation, but it's not having the effects I'm looking for. I figured that I could google good ways to get yourself into a trance ready state of mind but I figured I'd ask the folks here and listen to the way other trancers put themselves into such a state. I've tried more times in the last month than I have in the past couple of years and when I try to get myself to that point I approach it, and then I hit a wall. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Re: Exp. Trancers
By: / Beginner
Post # 2

At times I find myself struggling to trance when I am under stress, anxiety or even when I am just feeling a shift in either my hormones or sick with a virus/infection. However, sometimes each of these things can enhance my trance work/ altered conscious state when I tend to evaluate myself.

Anyone who practices trancing might be able to attest, but we each have our individual niches within the practice. In other words, as trance-workers, we all have our own method(s) that trigger or service us toward getting into that specific state. For some it might be something completely random or tailored individually- while for others it may be a combination of various techniques common among a specific path or teaching.

It takes a duration of time and training to be able to induce a trance state, let alone a deep trance. Nevertheless, deep trance states are not necessary unless for specific workings or personal preference. Once one trains their mind to go deeper and further into a trance, then it becomes much easier and takes less time. As they become more familiar with trancing itself and their preferred methodologies. Exercising the mind in due course leads to success.

Personally, I combine meditation, rhythmic: dance, music, chants, fasting and sensory deprivation. These techniques align with the particular paths I follow for Northern practices and shamanism. There are times where I use all of them and others where I only need to do one or the other. A mix and match. Since this practice is extremely personalized, I suggest that you experiment with some of the following, to find what may help you achieve a trance state:

Meditation: Relax yourself, lay down or sit up, close your eyes, clear your mind

Breathing Exercises: There are many types- I would research

Music: Drumming sounds or tunes with the same repetitive beat

Dancing: Either to music or not, but with a certain motion to emulate any particular rhythm.

Chanting: Repetitious sounds, words, vowels, sentences

Sensory Deprivation: This is not highly recommended, so if you are seriously interested you can mail me or any other trance-worker on the subject. Essentially, you expose yourself to an environment not in your comfort zone, this environment often simulated.

Visualization: Use imagery to displace yourself anywhere you would like or displace specific people or articles.

Eye Fixation: Place an object, perhaps an effigy or symbolic article in front of you and do not let your attention shift.

Aroma/Herbs: Burn incense or various herbs to initiate a trance state of mind or help relax your consciousness.

Again, there are many techniques to trial and error with, some of which were not mentioned above. Trancing ranges in achievability and success for each individual attempting.

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Re: Exp. Trancers
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 3
depending on the energy needed, the method of trance can be suited toward that energy.

I prefer music and incense and dancing when trying to raise up an active energy. maybe some fasting too.

Or if it is more for introspective work, rather than exerting your will or actively discovering something, i prefer complete darkness and silence and maybe some guayusa tea (caffeine) to make sure i don't fall asleep.
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Re: Exp. Trancers
By: / Novice
Post # 4

Thank you very much for your responses. I've tried a couple a little bit in the last day, but once I get a day off I'll be sure to try them fully.

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