Question 4:

CovenSpell Casters ► Question 4:
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Question 4:
Post # 1
What types of spells are fake?
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Re: Question 4:
By: / Novice
Post # 2
oh boy that's a long one [i really should start saving the list somewhere]

it's easier if you learn what magick is and how it works instead of diving right in [like riding a bike, here's the tricycle instead of the mountain bike] magick is a natural energy that is used to bring a desired change. this energy is part of nature and only effects energy. it does not contradict nature. you want a lover, it doesn't brainwash the cute girl in class, it effects the energy around you to be at a similar vibration with someone else.

if you look at the spells section here, just avoid the fantasy and trick spells sections outright, 99% are duds. any spell that promises instant dramatic results is also fake. spells that contradict nature won't work either as previously explained. from there it's a couple grey areas you shouldn't try until you get better grounding in magick [weather, beauty and death spells are all argued over being real or not. lets put them to the side and not touch them until you understand magick better]

so what magick is real? again, things that help you bring a desired change, things you can attract and repel without magick but you need an extra kick to get started. luck, love, wealth, health, protection, cleansing, curses, banishment, these are the more common working spell categories. there are some to help with life [stop a bully, make a liar confess, help get pregnant, so on] but they usually either fall into the above sections, or are debating on as placebos or some other logical answer.
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Re: Question 4:
Post # 3
In my opinion the only thing that makes a spell work is your belief, if you don't believe in yourself then all spells will turn out to be fake whereas if you truly believe even the most nonsensical ritual could theoretically work for you.
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