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Post # 1
Hello everyone. My name is Justin and I'm new here somewhat. I need help of chosing my path, my destiny, between good or evil.
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Re: Help
Post # 2

Hello, firstly welcome to Spells of Magic, secondly, choosing your "path" is up to you, I personally don't choose a path, I learn whatever peeks my curiousity. Third, what do you mean by good or evil? Magic isn't about good or evil, it's neutral until acted upon by our intent. Your intentions are yours alone, whether you want to do negative or positive things, you are the one getting the reprocusions for your actions.

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Re: Help
Post # 3
1. Is it possible for me to be a neutral witch and do both white/black magic?

2. Are witches allowed or supposed to tell anyone they're a witch?

3. Is there such thing as "personal gain'' and what are the consequences?
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Re: Help
By: / Novice
Post # 4
1. Is it possible for me to be a neutral witch and do both white/black magic?

yes. magick is a neutral energy, it is the caster who gives it a positive/negative charge. define your morals and live by them.

2. Are witches allowed or supposed to tell anyone they're a witch?

do what feels right to you. some witches prefer to stay 'in the broom closet' others are loud and proud, and some just choose a handful of close friends/family to tell. whatever feels right to you.

3. Is there such thing as "personal gain' and what are the consequences?

personal gain? like 'cast a love spell and gain a girl/boyfriend?' yes, you cast spells to bring a desired change into your life. magick is neutral energy found all around us, when we cast a spell we not only give it a positive/negative charge, but we also effect the energy flow around us to bring that desired change. there are limits, like any spell that contradicts nature will not work, and you need to put in some effort [job spells won't work if you don't pass out resume's] but you need to be careful what you wish for. saying you want money now might seem good, but it won't start raining money in your living-room, more likely you'll be working long hours. think things through before you cast really.
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Re: Help
Post # 5
About the "personal gain'', what are the consequencrs?
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