How often?

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How often?
Post # 1
How often can a person receive sensations of certain ominous instances in the future? I've got these feelings before, and I have mentioned one before in another thread regarding a feeling of doom for a friend of mine, who got into an accident a week or so later undergoing amputation so strong...I felt nauseous and scared then... Why does this happen?
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Re: How often?
Post # 2
You're likely having premonitions. I have them sometimes too. Usually a couple hours before a major tragedy I'll feel like my legs are on fire and I'm drowning. I woke up screaming on 9/11 two hours before the planes crashed.
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Re: How often?
Post # 3
It depends per individual. (No one can tell what other people's rate of experience will be for that!) Just that almost everyone will eventually experience it. Other than our five senses it was discussed before that it is possible that all humans have what you will call as psychic abilities. (High perception, Intuition)

The experience that you had is one of it! If I am not wrong, it is called: Clairsentience. There are ways to exercise control of it, but based on my understanding, it will still vary per individual. (Not everyone can become good at it, and for them it just comes around from time to time.)
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Re: How often?
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 4
This thread has been moved to Misc Topics from Spell Suggestions.
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Re: How often?
Post # 5
We human beings have more than 38 senses, 17 sensory organs and some vestigial sensory organs here and there. (Studying Medicine)
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