- "Dream Diary"

CovenNatural Magick ► - "Dream Diary"
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- "Dream Diary"
Post # 1

Since childhood, me and my friend have been fond of a Japanese pixel game known as Yume Nikki, or Dream Diary. We could both relate to the game's atmospheres, motifs and themes, as well as subtle messages and speculations upon the main character and her dreamland.

We all know how the subconscious is more enabled within different states or altered consciousness, especially those within the cycles of sleep. It can heal trauma, give us a break from different realities, or pose plausible situations to which we will remember how to react in order to survive in waking hours. It can also be a vague window into what's in the back of our minds once the day's noise is silenced. This is why I'm making my own Dream Diary, to catalogand record and organize experiences as well as anxieties. Because like in the game, the main character's dreams are all about her traumas and anxieties. Everything is represented by something.

Do you have your own journal for these sorts of things?Do you practice dream interpretation? What are some of your experiences with this topic?

My designated diary so far: [URL=http://tinypic.com/r/10culc1/9] View My Video [/URL]

Re: - "Dream Diary"
Post # 2

And some regular pictures since the video came out warped:


Re: - "Dream Diary"
Post # 3

I have a dream journal. Being a clairvoyant and having visions/premonitions makes me more vulnerable to receive dreams that are warnings. My dreams are 90% of the times warnings about people, events, places or even visions of the future.

I believe dreams are extremely important. They tell us everything we need to know, but in a certain disguise. Dreams can tell us, like you said in a way, how to heal ourselves, what we should do, important things. But of course, not all dreams are warnings or stuff of that kind, a lot of dreams come from our desires and emotions.

I keep a dream journal because it's hard for me to remember everything that i am supposed to, so i always write what i saw or heard. I also write down because some of them are actually confusing and not that crystal clear. Having a dream journal is actually essential for me.

That is one hell of a beautiful dream diary, by the way.

Re: - "Dream Diary"
Post # 4

BTW thankyou ;-; I'm making it to match my BOS. Same fabric and gold.

90% of my dreams are about death, as my life constantly changes where I am in a different place each year.

Re: - "Dream Diary"
Post # 5

Looks really good. :)

If you need some help on trying to figure out what they mean, i'll be more than glad to help you.

Re: - "Dream Diary"
Post # 6

I keep a dream and oracle card journal to record my dreams and readings. I've had two deity dreams that are very dear to me heart along with dreams of my departed parents and grandparents and dear friends whom I have long ago lost contact with. I have had some symbolic messages that came true but they weren't what I would call blantant visions. My spouse has straight up visions when he sleeps at time as well as impressions/feelings when he is awake. His impressions are mildly trance like and he will drive off in a random direction for no apparent reason and when I call his name several times he will not respond. It always ends well but he says he has no idea why he turned there and didn't even intend to drive that way.

I am just really good at interpreting things in my opinion. I notice a lot of what I precieve to be signs and am good at fitting puzzle pieces together. I also have this random talent for picking things well at random. What I mean is like...we go to pick out a randomized starter pack of Yu-Gi-Oh cards, Holy (spouse) needs a specific card that might not be in the deck. But I always happen to pick the right one out of all of them even though there is no way of telling. I've done the same with picking randomized Skylanders dog tags. I'm a good picker and interpreter lol. Sorry for the rambles.

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