Undertaker's Parlor

CovenNatural Magick ► Undertaker's Parlor
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Undertaker's Parlor
Post # 1
Welcome to my parlor, where we will be discussing topics on the "darker" spectrum of magic and practices.
In this Parlor there will be no judgments made about one's practice but questions are always welcome so I shall lists the main topics I will be discussing in my first few posts.
-The Death Current
-Working with Death Deities
-Working with the Otherside

Re: Undertaker's Parlor
Post # 2
So what is "Grave-walking"?
That is a lovely questions and the answer is a simple one but a deep one as well. Grave-walking is a term used to describe the practice of working Necromancy and Spirit Working as well as walking through grave yards.
In Grave-walking one must respect (I cannot stress how much being respectful is when it comes to working with the dead) the dead and the hallow ground that they sleep upon. While walking the graves allow yourself to open up to the realm around you so you may sense the vale that separates our world and the Spirit World. Now it is important to note that to open up is not to allow in.
Now I personally see and sense the Vale as a curtain that is draped down, which flows as if a window was open. Now without an equinox, solstice or specific time/day, spirits cannot openly walk into our world unless invited, though that does not mean they are not dangerous. Just as one could be standing behind a curtain and reach out to grab someone, so can spirits so it is to note that "opening up" and "letting in" are two different things and can mean a lot when coming to working with spirits of the dead.
Now in Grave-walking it is common place to make pacts with spirits or collect items from the grave-yard, though it is also to note that in some states, cities and countries it is illegal to collect graveyard dirt and take things from said site. Though I do not condone nor damn anyone for doing what they must for their craft. Now it is also worth to note, you must always ask a spirit before you take from their plot, to which you commune with them to make pacts. In the South it is not uncommon for a Conjure-(wo)men/Root-Doctors and Voodoo practitioners (such as a Bokor) to bribe a spirit via offering of Whiskery or Rum, Cigarettes, Pennies (Copper), for their help in their magic. If they spirits agrees the practitioner may take dirt from their grave and us in their working.
-Are their Deities that we can use in Grave-walking?-
Yes there are a few depending on your belief and religion.
In voodoo Papa Legba or Baron Samedi can be called but I do not suggest anyone invoke/evoking them without proper training or guidance.
-Santa Muerte can be called forth in such working for she is "The Holy Death", though yet again I do not advise anyone to invoke/evoke her without proper training
-Hades can be called forth because he is the Lord of the Underworld and as such he watches over all the dead.
-Any Death Deity or Psych-pomp may be called to aid in Grave-Walking but it is wise to note to show your appreciation for them by leaving an offering. The dead were once living too and they can still feel just as well, though it is always nice and will help build bridges with beings. Showing respect goes a long way in both the Spirit and Living worlds.-
(That is it for this post! If you have any questions please feel free to leave them below! Love you all!)

Re: Undertaker's Parlor
Post # 3

How wonderful, thank you for this contribution! I've read a bit about collecting graveyard soil so this was well overdue.

Re: Undertaker's Parlor
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 4

Grave-walking sounds very similar to Mound-sitting in my practice. Interesting.

Re: Undertaker's Parlor
Post # 5
---------Death Stream / Death Current---------------
CALM your breath and ease your mind. Can you feel it? The stillness around you? Deep slow breaths, allow the slowing of your heart beat. Let it get closer and closer to the stillness. Feel this calmness and, feel your senses heightening but also feel the chill around you.
NOW we are in this state, open your mind and feel the Death Stream. What is the Death Stream? The Death Stream is the check to the Flow of Life. Two main currents flow around us and through us. One brings life and vitality, while the other brings death and decay. Do not be afraid of this, the Death Stream will not take your soul or your life.
THE Death Stream is a very tranquil flowing river that has no rapids or swift currents. It's a quiet stream flowing to the other side. While you are connecting with this stream, relax yourself and watch as the dim orbs of light, much like stars, light your way.
MANY fear Death for it brings change and endings but, it's a part of nature. Now, with the Death Stream you are able to call out to those you have loved that have passed on. Yes you may call upon Ancestors, Friends, Pets and such. Here in this place of quiet and calm, you can even make your own area here next to the stream. Though be warned, for there is few that wade in the stream trying to go back to the living, so be sure to keep yourself protected.
PROTECTION is simple, a protection charm, some incense to keep the unwanted spirits away, or what have you will work. Not many of these spirits tread the water but some do. Now while you are connected with this stream you may seek the aid of loved ones passed but, remember sometimes they will not answer. Though do not take this as insult but as a chance for you to grow ( you cannot grow in your comfort zone. With no challenge there is no change).
WHILE tapping into this stream you will slowly change perspective and see thing that you might have missed before. While working with "Dead/Death Energy" you can in some respect learn how to drain energy. Now why say such a thing? The stream flows "downhill" in a sense. Trying to fight the current can be tiring and effortful, understanding that taking energy can be a dark path but taking it forcefully is even darker.
PERSPECTIVE will change and eyes will start looking through others. Now don't think that you have to follow the current or fight it. You can sit upon its bank and embrace the energy of the cold silvery water.
THOUGH I do warn that, in this somber and tranquil area you are a light and the beings of this place are like moths. The more intense emotions you put out, the more intense your light will glow now, this can work to your advantage when calling for a loved one, they already know this light and, will be more than drawn to it on their own accord. Different lights, call different things.
NOW to return from this stream you imagine yourself being pulled gently through a portal of white. A slow return your breathing to normal as this is going on, do not panic. This is a natural event, remain calm. Slowly open your eyes when you have fully been pulled through the portal of white, and there you go.
(This was written by me a while ago back on my Undertaker1 profile)

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